A Christmas Carol
In the bleak mid-winter
Frosty wind made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron,
Water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow,
Snow on snow,
In the bleak mid-winter
Long ago.
Our God, Heaven cannot hold him
Nor earth sustain;
Heaven and earth shall flee away
When he comes to reign;
In the bleak mid-winter
A stable-place sufficed
The Lord God Almighty
Jesus Christ.
Angels and archangels
May have gathered there,
Cherubim and seraphim
Thronged the air;
But only His Mother
In her maiden bliss
Worshipped the Beloved
With a kiss.
What can I give Him,
Poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd
I would bring a lamb,
If I were a Wise Man
I would do my part–
Yet what I can I give Him,
Give my heart.
-Christina Rossetti
The fall of Britain did not come by way of an invasion. It came at the invitation of the liberals. The hatred of the white race that was so manifest in the white-hating Jacobins such as Price and Priestly became the religion of the modern university-trained Britons. So this land of dear souls, at least still dear to me, is now “leas’d out” to the Moslems. The liberals called them refugees and hoped to use them to destroy their enemies, which was all white Britons, but they miscalculated. The Moslems were supposed to be grateful to the liberals, and as a token of their gratitude they were supposed to become a part of white-hating Liberaldom. Instead, they set up their own Moslem state in which the liberals who weren’t executed played only a supporting role.
At first the ‘refugees’ were content to do things democratically. They won a few elections and occupied most of London so that the police were afraid to act against them when they committed felonies such as rape, murder, and armed robbery, but after a few years of nominal control of Britain’s larger cities the Moslems decided to take complete control. They did away with democracy and set up a Moslem state. Britain was divided into nine fiefdoms, with a caliph at the head of each. The high Caliph resided in London at Buckingham Palace, the former home of the Kings and Queens of Britain.
The various members of the British parliament voted, before they were dismissed, for the execution of the royal family and anyone who was even remotely connected to the royal line of descent. The Queen, her husband, Prince George, Prince Stephen and Princess Margaret, were all executed on the old chopping block that was the site of so many royal beheadings in the past. Only Prince Arthur survived, but I’ll come back to him later. By sacrificing the royal family the members of Parliament had hoped not only to save their lives, they also hoped to obtain some position in the new Moslem government. This was only the case with about 15% of the members of Parliament. That was the approximate number of parliamentary members who did obtain minor posts in one of the Moslem fiefdoms. Having spent a lifetime betraying their own people they made themselves useful to the various caliphs by sniffing out any white resistance to Moslem rule and reporting that resistance to the caliph in their particular fiefdom. But there is only room for so many slimy informants in any administration. Eighty-five percent of the former members of the British Parliament were executed along with their families two weeks after they voted for the execution of the royal family.
There was no resistance to the Moslem takeover within the ranks of the military or the police for the simple reason that there was no official takeover. The liberals voted to dissolve their government and turn the reins of power over to the caliphs. So when the caliphs came in they inherited the liberals’ military and the liberals’ police. The members of the military and police forces had been trained to support the state so when the state became Moslem, the police and the military, having been raised with no moral instincts, simply continued working for the Moslem state. There were some executions of the higher ranking officials in all the armed forces so that the leadership positions could be occupied by Moslems, but the regular rank and file police officers and the rank and file soldiers were allowed to continue to serve the new Moslem state. The white policemen and the white members of the military were often harder on the native-born white British civilians than the Moslem soldiers and policemen were, because the white policemen and soldiers wanted to prove their loyalty to the new government.
Some of the pagan nationalist parties had welcomed the Moslem invaders in the hope that they would put paid to the Jews’ account, but the old saying, “Be careful what you wish for, because you might get more than you bargained for,” could be applied to the neo-pagan nationalists just as it could be applied to their liberal enemies and counterparts. The feminists who all wanted to sleep with the refugees and said, “Better rapists than racists,” soon discovered that rape was not as pleasant in reality as it was in their fantasies. Nor was being one wife among many as fulfilling as they had hoped.
Nor were the neo-pagans who wanted the Moslems to crack down on the feminists and the Jews delighted to learn that they, just by virtue of being white, were considered to be Christian and outside the ken of Moslem humanity. They were not allowed to become part of Islamic Britain.
And the blacks? They went back to their natural state. The Moslems used them as slaves and henchmen. So long as they got their share of white blood and white women, they seemed quite content to descend from the pedestal that the liberals had put them on.
The brunt of the invasion, which was more of betrayal than an invasion, fell upon the native-born white Britons. They never believed, even as the Moslems and the third world scum poured into their nation, that their government, their own people, would hand them over to the tender mercies of the Moslems. But of course that is exactly what happened. Some families, far too few, saw what was coming and attempted to go rural, but simply going rural delayed the Moslems for a time, it didn’t provide any long-term solution to the problem of an Islamic Britain.
The executions were not wholesale, but they were not non-existent either. If any member of a white British family was suspected of any resistance to Sharia law, the whole family was exterminated. My rough estimate is that about 40% of the white Britons were exterminated after the official Moslem takeover. And the rest of the Brits were watched carefully by the traitors who used to sit in Parliament, but now spent their time looking for the enemies of Islam. And when you look for enemies, you usually find them, whether they are real enemies or imaginary ones.
The church men fared better than Parliament and the native-born. The Anglican and Roman Catholic churches simply proclaimed that Allah was God and Jesus Christ was a subordinate prophet to Mohammed. This enabled them to maintain their tax-exempt status and to continue holding church services. The state religion was, of course, Islam. Anyone who openly avowed Christianity or who was discovered to have avowed Christianity in private was immediately executed.
But there were a few — my friend John Chambers was one — who saw what was coming and went underground before the Moslem takeover. John and a few stalwart Britons are at large and they constitute a fighting remnant that I hope will grow into an army that will ultimately, led by Arthur II, drive the Moslems from Britain. But I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m still not ready to talk about Prince Arthur, the young man who was born to be King of Britain.
My own case was a curious one. I had a long record of open hostility to Islam, liberalism, and black barbarism. I had not had a position in the official church for over 25 years, but I was perceived to be the leader of Christian Britain. I never ceased my walks through London even after the Moslem takeover, and I even managed to save some white Britons from being raped and murdered by roving black and Moslem gangs. I didn’t know why I was unmolested at the time, but I later learned that it was because I was considered to be a special case that had to be handled in a special way. When I was finally arrested, I was not formally charged or arraigned. I spent three months in prison before I was told the charge against me and what my fate was.
Act I. Scene 1. The Reverend Grey’s Cell.
[The Rev. Grey is meeting with the lawyer who has been assigned to defend him in court.]
Grey: Are you the first of the three ghosts, or are you Jacob Marley?
Lawyer: I’ve been assigned to defend you.
Grey: Then there is going to be a trial?
Lawyer: Yes, and I think it’s going to be a rather important trial. Your case is considered a very special case.
Grey: Why?
Lawyer: I’m not a religious man, I have no personal interest in Islam or Christianity.
Grey: Excuse me for interrupting, but it seems to me that every man that but man is has, or at least he should have, a personal interest in the question – Did Christ rise from the dead on the third day?
Lawyer: Well, I don’t have any interest in such things, I’m only a lawyer who has been assigned a difficult case. But if you want my opinion about the question of why this case is so special, I can tell you this: the High Caliph would prefer that you recant your Christian faith instead of being executed. He doesn’t have any particular liking for you, but he does respect you and holds you in high esteem. If you, who he considers the last Christian in Britain, would denounce your Christian faith it would show the rest of white Britain that there is no need to oppose Islam in the name of Christianity because, of course, Christianity is a myth.
Grey: Does the High Caliph really think I would renounce my God?
Lawyer: Yes, he does.
Grey: And why does he think I would do such a thing?
Lawyer: Primarily because the Archbishop of Canterbury has led him to believe that you can be converted to the true vision of God. Which, according to the Archbishop, is some kind of fusion of…
Grey: … liberalism, Islam, voodoo, and Christianity.
Lawyer: I suppose so, but that’s beyond my ken. The point is that the High Caliph wants you to become a live British Moslem rather than a dead Christian.
Grey: Don’t ever link the word British with the word Moslem.
Lawyer: Let’s not quarrel over semantics. The point is that you are to be tried in an ecclesiastical court with twelve Anglican clergymen on the jury and the Archbishop of Canterbury as the presiding judge.
Grey: Will their verdict be final?
Lawyer: Yes, if it coincides with the verdict of the High Caliph. And he wants either your repudiation of the Christian faith or, failing that, your execution.
Grey: Well, I won’t recant my faith of 96 years just for a few more years of life, so why bother with a trial?
Lawyer: The Caliph wants a trial.
Grey: It seems that the more illegitimate a regime is the more formalistic and obsessed with minutia it becomes.
Lawyer: Look, Reverend, I don’t particularly like my assignment. Nor to be quite frank do I particularly like Moslem… can I say it?
Grey: Yes, in that context.
Lawyer: Nor do I like Moslem Britain. But I do want to survive. You say that you’re 96 years old and don’t want to recant your faith in order to eke out a few more years. But what is this alleged faith of yours compared to life? Even if I only risked having my life cut short by a few weeks if I didn’t recant some article of faith, I would recant in order to live those two weeks.
Grey: Is avoiding death that important to you?
Lawyer: Yes, it is. Look, I’m not at all sympathetic to this new regime, but I want to live so I try to work within the parameters of the new regime. And so far I’ve survived.
Grey: Why don’t you like the new regime?
Lawyer: I’d rather not say.
Grey: Are you married?
Lawyer: No, my wife and I separated.
Grey: I’m sorry to hear that. A wife and children can give a man a reason to live and a reason to die.
Lawyer: We didn’t have any children. My wife and I were separated before the takeover occurred. But during the refugee crisis, when we were still together, I used to argue with her about it. She thought the refugees would come in and behave just like the rest of us. I thought that they would drastically change our lives for the worse. I took no joy in the knowledge, after the takeover, that I had been right.
Grey: What happened to your wife?
Lawyer: You’re facing a beheading and you ask what happened to my wife? Why should you be concerned about her?
Grey: Something in your tone of voice makes me think that you still care deeply about her. Is she dead?
Lawyer [breaking down in tears}: Yes, they killed her. It was not a state execution, it was a Moslem vigilante activity that the state encouraged and backed up. She refused to stop wearing miniskirts. They caught her one night, and they gang raped her and murdered her.
Grey [placing his hand on the lawyer’s shoulder]: I’m sorry. Let’s both kneel and say a prayer for her.
Lawyer: I don’t believe in prayer.
Grey: Then I’ll pray for you. [Replacing his hand on the lawyer’s shoulder, Grey gently brings the lawyer to his knees and he prays.] O merciful God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the resurrection and the life, in whom whosoever believeth, shall live though he die, and whosoever liveth and believeth in him, shall not die eternally; who also taught us (by his holy Apostle Paul) not to be sorry, as men without hope, for them that sleep in him: We meekly beseech thee (O Father) to raise us from the death of sin unto the life of righteousness, that when we shall depart this life, we may rest in him, as our hope is this our brother doth; and that at the general resurrection in the last day, we may be found acceptable in thy sight, and receive that blessing which thy well-beloved Son shall then pronounce to all that love and fear thee, saying, Come ye blessed children of my Father, receive the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world. Grant this we beseech thee, O merciful Father, through Jesus Christ our mediator and redeemer. Amen.
Lawyer: That was kind of you, Reverend, but I’m not a religious person, and neither was my wife.
Grey: I’m not religious in the way you mean. I believe what Christ promised about the resurrection of the dead, and I believe that Christ is the Son of God. Does that make me religious? I think religion and faith are not always the same thing.
Lawyer: Perhaps not. But aren’t we getting rather far afield? My lack of faith is not going on trial tomorrow. It is your faith that is going on trial. If you recant you will be forgiven your treason and set free. If you persist in your assertion that Jesus Christ is the one true God, you will be executed. That’s what it all comes down to. I’ll bring in witnesses, I’ll cross-examine the prosecution’s witnesses, I’ll do my damnedest for you, but it won’t amount to a hill of beans if you don’t recant. They’ll find you guilty even if I’m as eloquent as Shakespeare and as knowledgeable as Blackstone.
Grey: I won’t renounce Christ.
Lawyer: Then I will put up a futile defense at the end of which you’ll be found guilty and sentenced to death.
Grey: My favorite hymn is “Abide with Me.”
Lawyer: I don’t know it.
Grey: Surely you must have heard parts of it before the Moslem takeover?
Lawyer: No, I didn’t.
Grey: “I triumph still if he abides with me.”
Lawyer: Is that final?
Grey: Yes.
Lawyer: Then I’ll see you in court, but after the guilty verdict. I won’t attend the execution, because… well, quite frankly I’ve become rather fond of you.
Grey: I’ll pray for your wife.
Lawyer [starts to say ‘thank you’ and then catches himself]: One more thing — the Archbishop of Canterbury will be coming to see you before the trial tomorrow. Expect him sometime tonight.
Grey: I’d rather not see him.
Lawyer: You have no choice, he wants to see you. I think he expects to win you over.
Grey: To what?
Lawyer: To… how the hell should I know? I’ll see you in court.
Act I. Scene 2. Three hours later.
[Archbishop of Canterbury enters Grey’s cell. Upon entering, the Archbishop extends his ring for the Reverend Grey to kiss. The Reverend Grey declines.]
Grey: Let’s dispense with that, Archbishop.
Archbishop: Very well. Do you know why I’ve come here?
Grey: I suppose it’s to get me to listen to what you would call reason.
Archbishop: Precisely. I don’t particularly care for you, Reverend Grey, but I am the Archbishop of Canterbury and you are, though not in good standing, a cleric under my care. I don’t want to see you executed unnecessarily.
Grey: What would I have to do to avoid this “unnecessary” execution?
Archbishop: Merely affirm your belief in the Christian faith as it is understood by all the organized Christian churches.
Grey: This is no time to play cat-and-mouse games, Archbishop.
Archbishop: I’m not playing games.
Grey: Then come to the point. I won’t presume to think that you’ve poured over my writings and listened to recordings of my sermons, but you’ve been around long enough to be familiar with things I’ve written and sermons I’ve preached. You know what the crux of the matter is. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Archbishop: So do I.
Grey: You’re at least thirty years younger than me, your grace, but I will pick you up and spank you like a little child if you won’t be frank with me. Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who was crucified, died, and was buried and then rose again from the dead?
Archbishop: No, of course I don’t believe he was the son of God in that sense. I believe he was the son of God as we are all sons of God. And I believe that he was a very great prophet only exceeded in greatness by Mohammed and Nelson Mandela.
Grey: Did those other ‘great’ prophets claim to be the Son of the living God?
Archbishop: Well, no, they didn’t. And perhaps that is why they are the greater prophets.
Grey: Look at me, Archbishop.
Archbishop: I am looking at you.
Grey: Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don’t believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God.
Archbishop: Why is that necessary?
Grey: I want to see if there is a flicker of light in your heart. I want to see if you can renounce Christ in your official capacity as His champion here on earth.
Archbishop: If this will make you more agreeable, certainly I’ll do it. I do not believe that Jesus Christ is the son of the living god. I believe he is a great prophet who showed us how we could all be sons of God.
Grey: Is that what you expect me to agree to in court?
Archbishop: Yes, I do.
[For a moment a tremendous rage wells up in Grey, and it looks as if he is going to strike the Archbishop dead. But when the Archbishop steps back with fear in his eyes, the rage leaves Grey and a sadness too deep for tears takes its place.]
Grey: We have nothing left to say to each other, Archbishop.
[As the Archbishop turns to go, the Reverend Grey makes the sign of the cross over him.]
Grey: In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Act I. Scene 3.
[Still the cell, it’s midnight. The Devil enters the cell and sits on Grey’s bed as the Reverend Grey is kneeling in prayer.]
The Devil: Any news?
Grey [glancing at the Devil, but without shock]: What type of news?
Devil [pointing upwards]: From Him.
Grey [pointing to his heart]: He’s in here, not up there.
Devil: Well, he’s left you naked to your enemies, but I can help you.
Grey: Can you?
Devil: Yes, I can. All you need to do is renounce Him. And he really would prefer that you renounce Him. That way you’ll save your life and be free to preach.
Grey: But if I renounce Christ, what would I preach?
Devil: You could preach the fusion of all faiths, of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and all the other religions. Wouldn’t that be more in keeping with God’s will, seeing that all men are brothers?
Grey [stares at the Devil for a full sixty seconds before replying]: And humanity is what concerns you? Your heart goes out to us?
Devil: This isn’t working, is it?
Grey: No, it isn’t. I know who you are.
Devil: It’s no use, you know. No one is going to come over to your side. You’ve lost and so has He. And this Britain that you love, she has lost too.
Grey: Then why have you come here? Is it simply to gloat?
Devil: To give you one last chance to come over to my side. All these years you’ve been fighting me in the name of Christ, but what has Christ ever done for you? He has left you here all alone. He has forsaken you, but I haven’t; I’m here with you.
Grey: Do you remember what the Savior said to you in the wilderness?
Devil [with an angry, agonized look on his face]: Don’t quote scripture at me.
Grey [ignoring the Devil’s command]: “And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, Being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungered. And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread. And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. And he brought him to Jerusalem, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence: For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee: And in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season.”
Devil: That is old and tired. You should face reality. They all hate you, every single man, woman, and child in Great Britain. And Christ has no use for you, all the poetic, European stuff is nonsense. What are you going to say at the trial? Are you going to quote from your beloved Sonnet 31 [sarcastically]: “Thy bosom is endeared with all hearts…
[Grey hits the devil with the back of his hand, knocking him to the floor. The devil rises in anger, but when he sees Grey ready to strike him again, he calms down and sneers malevolently at Grey].
You’d like me to make this into a no holds barred fight, wouldn’t you? It would be the dream of a lifetime. You’d get to go toe to toe with the Prince of Darkness. But I’m not going to give you that satisfaction. I’m going to sit in on your trial and watch you quake in fear when they pronounce your sentence. Or maybe you’ll come to your senses and turn to me.
Grey [his anger has subsided]: You came here hoping I’d blaspheme in my final hours. I won’t. What you see now [he makes the sign of the cross], you’ll see at the trial – a man, however unworthy, who will stand with Christ and Christ’s Europe against you and all your minions.
Satan [sneers]: Oh, you’re such a big, strong, brave man. I suppose you think that such heroic gestures mean something in what you would call the spiritual realm. But they don’t. You’ll simply be tried and executed. There will be nothing noble in your defiance. There are no Beau Gestes in reality. My reality is the only reality. Think about that tonight [sneering again]. I’ll see you at the trial.
Act II. Scene 1. The trial.
[There are twelve male Anglican clergymen – the Moslems do not permit female clerics — acting as jurors. The Archbishop is the judge. At one front table is the defense attorney, and at the opposite front table is the prosecutor. There are a handful of necessary spectators in the courtroom, but the trial has not been opened to the general public or reporters. Sitting in the jury box with the jurors is Satan, but Reverend Grey is the only one who can see him. Throughout the trial, Satan is silent. He just sits and looks at Grey with the malevolent sneer that is his trademark. The prosecutor is an Anglican priest who is an expert in ecclesiastical law, British law, and Sharia law.]
Prosecutor: For my first witness, I call the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Archbishop Holmes.
[All witnesses are sworn in by placing their hands on the Koran.]
The Present Archbishop: The court welcomes the testimony of our illustrious predecessor and our brother in the faith.
Holmes: Thank you.
Prosecutor: You were the Archbishop of Canterbury when Christopher Grey was removed from his London parish and ordered to stop all preaching?
Holmes: Yes.
Prosecutor: Why did you issue that order?
Holmes: The immediate cause was racism. The Reverend Grey was preaching racism.
Prosecutor: From the pulpit?
Holmes: No, not from the pulpit, but in a series of articles he wrote for the newspaper. I’ve brought some of his articles along, if you’d like me to read some of the more damning passages.
Defense Attorney: Your honor, I must protest. This trial is supposed to be about the defendant’s deviation from the Anglican-Islamic faith, not about his views on race.
Archbishop: Racism is a deviation from the Anglican branch of Islam, objection overruled. But it is not necessary to read the offending documents. Just put them up here with me, and I’ll order that they be entered into the records of the court.
Prosecutor: Thank you, your honor. Now, was racism the only reason that Reverend Grey was ordered to stop preaching as an Anglican minister?
Homes: No, it was not. He was also removed from his duties because of his unorthodox teaching.
Prosecutor: In what way was he unorthodox?
Holmes: He preached that Jesus Christ was the son of God, who was crucified, died, and was buried, and on the third day, he rose again from the dead.
Prosecutor: In what way does such teaching contradict the teaching of the Anglican Church?
Holmes: Our church, in union with all the other organized Christian churches, preaches that Jesus Christ was a great prophet, a religious teacher, who showed us how we can all become sons of God. He preached brotherhood and peace, but he did not preach racism or exclusivity.
Prosecutor: And what does the Anglican Church, in union with all the organized Christian churches, say about Christ’s relationship to Mohammed?
Holmes: Our church, once again I stress, in union with all of organized Christianity, preaches that Mohammed is a greater prophet than Christ, but both prophets point the way to the true God.
Prosecutor: And the Reverend Grey, or should we say, Christopher Grey, denies this?
Holmes: Yes, he does.
Prosecutor: What does he preach?
Holmes: He says that Mohammed is a false prophet and that Christ is the son of the living God. Again, I have brought sermons and articles by the Rev… I mean, by Mr. Grey, to substantiate my statements.
Archbishop: Those documents will also be entered into the court record.
Prosecutor: Thank you for your testimony, Archbishop Holmes. Your honor, I have no further questions for Archbishop Holmes.
Archbishop: Counsel for the defense, do you have any questions for Archbishop Holmes.
Defense: Yes, your honor, I do.
Archbishop: Then you may proceed.
Defense [picking up a book from the defense table]: Do you recognize this book, Archbishop Holmes.
Holmes: Not at this distance.
Defense: It is a copy of the Book of Common Prayer of 1559.
Prosecutor: I object. That book, along with the Bible, has been banned by the British Sharia High Court.
Defense: Your honor, I obtained the proper historical archives permit for this book. I am not using it for worship.
Archbishop: The defense counsel did get the proper permit, so I’ll overrule the prosecutor’s objections. Proceed.
Defense: Thank you, your honor. I would like the court to listen while I read a section of the 1559 Book of Common Prayer:
“I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesu Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of his Father before all worlds: God of God, light of light, very God of very God: begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made: who for us men and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost, of the Virgin Mary, and was made man: and was crucified also for us, under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried, and the third day he rose again according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of the Father. And he shall come again with glory, to judge both the quick and the dead, whose kingdom shall have no end. And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and giver of life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified, who spake by the prophets. And I believe in one catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism, for the remission of sins. And I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.
Prosecutor: Your honor, I have been patient, but I must beg leave to ask where the defense counsel is going with this line of defense. Is the court going to be subjected to more of this kind of reading? If so, I demand to know its relevancy to the trial of Christopher Grey for high treason.
Defense: That is all I intend to read, your honor.
Archbishop: Then make your point, the court has been more than lenient with you.
Defense: My point is this – that creed was recited in every Anglican service by the faithful for over 300 years. And it is clear that the British people who recited that creed believed in the same God that the Reverend Grey believes in. How can that belief now be treasonable? I call for an immediate reduction of the charge of treason to a misdemeanor fine for anti-social behavior.
Prosecutor: The beliefs held by British men and women centuries ago have no bearing on this case. British law, like our religion, has evolved. Britain is now governed by British Sharia law, so quite naturally things that were once permitted are no longer permitted, and things that were once forbidden are no longer forbidden.
Archbishop: Point well taken, Mr. Prosecutor. Do you [looking at the defense counsel] have any more questions for this witness?
Defense: No, your honor.
Archbishop [glancing at former Archbishop Holmes}: Then you may step down.
Prosecutor: For my next witness, I would like to call Pope Francis II.
Defense: I object. This is a British matter, and the Pope of Rome’s testimony is not relevant here.
Archbishop: This is a Christian ecclesiastical court, and Pope Francis is a Christian ecclesiastic, so I’ll overrule the defense counsel’s objection. [Glancing at the prosecutor] Proceed.
Prosecutor [addressing Pope Francis]: What is your official title, just for the record?
Pope Francis: I am the pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church.
Prosecutor: I know it’s not that long of a trip, just a leap over the pond so to speak, but still I am amazed that you took the time out of your busy schedule to be a witness at this trial. May I ask why you did so?
Pope Francis: The cause of Christian unity is paramount. And the defendant and what he represents is the greatest danger to Christian unity.
Prosecutor: And how would you define the danger that Christopher Grey represents?
Pope Francis: He represents a type of Christianity, a racist, Eurocentric Christianity that spawned all of the evils that have plagued mankind for centuries.
Prosecutor: Such as?
Pope Francis: Such as colonialism, superstition, and the making of a prophet into the son of God. All those evils sprang from the type of faith espoused by that man [pointing to Christopher Grey].
Prosecutor: Then you would concur with Archbishop Holmes. You believe that Christ is one of the lesser prophets and not the son of God?
Pope Francis: Yes, my beliefs are completely in line with Archbishop Holmes.
Prosecutor: No further questions, your honor.
Archbishop: Does the defense wish to question the witness?
Defense: Yes, your honor, I do.
Archbishop: Proceed.
Defense: Are you married, your Excellency?
Prosecution: Your honor, I fail to see the relevancy of…
Defense [interrupting him]: Your honor, my client is on trial for his life. Am I not to be allowed any latitude to follow my own line of questioning?
Archbishop: We’ll overrule your objection, Mr. Prosecutor, for the time being. But I warn you, counsel for the defense: stay within the bounds of proper courtroom decorum.
Defense; Thank you, your honor. Now, I’ll repeat my question: Are you married?
Pope Francis: Yes, I have four wives.
Defense: That wasn’t always the custom in the Catholic Church, was it your holiness?
Pope Francis: No, it was not. But when my father, Pope Francis I made Sharia law the law of the church, I took onto myself four wives.
Defense: Do you think that the Christians who once believed in one man and one wife were wrong?
Pope Francis: They weren’t wrong at that time, but they would be wrong if they tried to return to the old custom of one man and one wife.
Defense: Why would they be wrong?
Prosecutor: Objection, the pontiff should not be asked to explain the morals and customs of Christians of the past. That is too far afield from the trial at hand.
Archbishop: Objection sustained.
Defense: But, your honor…
Archbishop: I said, objection sustained. Change to another line of questioning, or I’ll find you in contempt.
Defense: I was merely trying to establish that if everyone once held beliefs counter to Sharia law, then surely the Reverend Grey…
Archbishop [brings down the gavel]: I said this line of questioning must cease, and it shall [shooting a fierce glance at the defense attorney].
[Grey takes the defense attorney by the shoulder and sits him down.]
Grey [in a whisper to the defense attorney]: Say no more about that, I don’t want you to get thrown in jail.
Archbishop [addressing the defense attorney]: You may now give your summation to the jury.
Defense: Gentlemen – and I know you are all gentle men, who have no desire to inflict the death penalty on a fellow cleric, a man who tries to serve his God as you try to serve yours. The Reverend Grey does hold beliefs that conflict with British Sharia law, but his beliefs are completely in line with the beliefs of all Britons up to the second half of the 20th century. I ask you, in the name of humanity, in the name of mercy, to change his death sentence to a fine. The Reverend Grey was born in another time, and he sees a different vision of God than we do, but surely he does not deserve the death penalty. I ask you to forgive him his trespasses and render a not guilty verdict.
Archbishop: And now we’ll hear from the prosecution.
Prosecutor: Gentlemen, I’ll be brief. In church and state we are governed by British Sharia law. A crime against the state is a crime against us all. Where we might forgive Christopher Grey in our private capacities, as public officials sworn to protect the public, we cannot forgive him his trespasses as the defense counselor recommends. There can be only one verdict for Christopher Grey and that verdict is Guilty!
Archbishop: You may retire to consider your verdict.
Head Juror: We don’t need to retire, your honor.
Archbishop: You have reached a verdict?
Head Juror: We find the defendant, Christopher Grey, guilty of the crime of high treason.
Archbishop: Then it only remains for me to pass sentence. Will the defendant please rise. [Grey rises.] Before I pass sentence, do you have anything to say?
Grey: No.
Archbishop: Let me remind you that it still remains within my power, a power granted to me by the High Caliph of London, to be merciful. You can still walk out of this courtroom a free man. No one seeks your death. Everything depends on how you answer this next question – Do you believe that Christ is the son of the living God?
Grey: I do.
Archbishop: Then I sentence you to death. You will place your head on the executioner’s block at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.
Act II. Scene 2. A ramshackle building in Tintagel.
Prince Arthur: How is he?
Chambers: He’s fine, he just needs some sleep.
Prince Arthur: Small wonder. I don’t think he’s slept for over 75 hours.
Chambers: He told me to tell you that the coronation will take place at 12 noon tomorrow.
Prince Arthur: The Reverend Grey thinks it’s time for the coronation. Do you think it is time?
Chambers: I think we should go with the Reverend Grey’s opinion. If he says it is time, then it is time.
Prince Arthur: You’ve been a great friend to him. I don’t think any other man in Britain could have snatched him from prison the way you did.
Chambers: Thirty years at Scotland Yard gave me more than a passing acquaintance with the Yard’s prison system. Besides that, I had some good men backing me up. The Rev. Grey still has friends; we weren’t going to let him die on the executioner’s block.
Prince Arthur: He is lucky to have a friend like you.
Chambers: No, it’s the other way around. Sometime I’ll tell you how he saved my life. Besides that, he helped me regain my soul. I was in a rather precarious position, as regards my soul, when I first met the Reverend Grey.
Prince Arthur: I guess we are all, we Britons, in a rather precarious state as regards our souls, and – for that matter – our bodies as well.
Chambers: Yes, we are, but this coronation will be the start of a long journey back.
Arthur: I hope so, but I just don’t know if I’m up to the task.
Chambers: No one is up to the task, but we do it anyway. That might sound a bit too much like Bulldog Drummond talking, but I mean it in the best sense of the British tradition, which has been almost, but not completely, extinguished. When you are crowned King tomorrow, it will be the start of something old, something old becoming new again. You’ll rule as a Christian king should rule and you’ll draw Britons back to old Britain.
Arthur: It all sounds right. Then tomorrow Britain will have a King again?
Chambers; Yes, and we’ll put it out there on those damn computer phones that everyone has, even the Moslems. Then the Moslems will know, and the Britons will know, that we have a King again. Well, I’ll leave you now. I suppose you’ll want to get some sleep.
Prince Arthur: No, wait a moment, if you don’t mind. I’d still like to talk. It’s been awhile since I’ve had any time to reflect and talk with someone. It’s all been a whirl ever since the takeover two years ago.
Chambers: I’m not sleepy, if there is something bothering you…
Arthur: Nothing specific… well, yes, it is something specific. I feel this sense of guilt for being alive when the rest of my family is dead. I keep asking myself, ‘Why me?’ Why was I spared?
Chambers: That’s not unusual. I’ve read memoirs of men who survived the Battle of the Argonne Forest in World War I, where there was close to a 40% casualty rate. Many survivors felt as you do, ‘Why me?’ But you did survive, and God must have had his reasons, just hold on to that.
Prince Arthur: I was on a fishing trip in Scotland when the purge began. I didn’t dream, when I left London, that I’d never see any of my family again. Oh, I knew Britain was becoming a Moslem nation, but I thought there would be some resistance. I didn’t know that the police and the military would surrender without a fight.
Chambers: You must remember, the police and the military come from the culture. For years our schools and our churches have been putting out anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-native-born propaganda. It’s a wonder there have been any defectors at all.
Arthur: There haven’t been many though.
Chambers: No, there hasn’t. But we have been getting larger numbers from the general populace. Which is what you would expect. The military and police still get paid by the Moslem government. The native white Brits have been disenfranchised.
Prince Arthur: The Reverend Grey says that we shouldn’t think in terms of numbers. He says a few will be enough. Do you believe that?
Chambers: I’d like more numbers, because I don’t have Reverend Grey’s faith. But when the white heat of my soul burns inside of me I know that Reverend Grey is right: if a remnant fights, the rest will follow.
Prince Arthur: It will take a miracle, but then how can I not believe in miracles, my life is one. I was raised in liberal schools and a liberal church. I was raised to hate the native-born, white Britons and love the colored races. And I was raised to believe that Christ was not the Son of God. Then I ran into Reverend Grey.
Chambers: That was about five years ago, wasn’t it?
Arthur: Yes, it was. I had heard of him when I was growing up, everyone had heard of him. But in royal circles, which translates to liberal circles, he was a pariah. He was a throne-and-altar Christian, he was a racist, he was a male chauvinist, and the list went on and on. It’s ironic, the liberals say they don’t believe in the devil, but they demonized Rev. Grey. To them he was the devil incarnate.
I was 24 when I met Rev. Grey. I had just finished a two year stint in the military. With two elder princely brothers in front of me, I was resigned to a life of battleship christenings and supportive, symbolic appearances at liberal functions. The particular function at which I met Rev. Grey was a grand opening of a family services clinic. You know what that is a euphemism for, don’t you?
Chambers: Abortuaries.
Arthur: Yes. Well, I was in the midst of blathering on about the great modern facility that was being opened to help women, when the Rev. Grey stood before me. “For shame,” he said, “You come from a royal line of kings; you can’t, you mustn’t give your royal sanction to infanticide.” I stammered out some inanity about tolerance, but his eyes defeated me; they were pure fire. I felt ashamed.
The police came to usher him away, but he just turned on them and said, “Don’t come one step closer.” It was amazing — they stepped back and let him walk away in peace. When he got to the edge of the crowd, he warned, “That house of Satan will not be standing tomorrow.” Well, it wasn’t standing the next day. The clinic burned down that very night. The Rev. Grey was investigated, but they never managed to pin it on him. You probably could shed some light on the matter.
Chambers [laughing]: I told you, the Rev. Grey has a great number of friends who are quite willing to burn down abortion clinics and do other odd chores for him.
Prince Arthur: Well, those eyes of his troubled me. I started to visit him on a regular basis. My conversion didn’t happen overnight, but by the time I went on that fishing trip to Scotland, I was a Christian, like unto Alfred, like unto Rev. Grey, and like unto all the British men and women that lived and died with His divine humanity in their hearts. When I place my hand on the Bible tomorrow, I’ll swear to be a Christian king of Britain. And God help me, I will be a Christian King of Britain.
Chambers: Better say when I take that oath today. It’s past midnight.
Prince Arthur: Then we have heard the chimes of midnight together, Master Chambers.
Chambers [laughing]: Indeed we have.
Act II. Scene 3. An open field in Tintagel.
[Some 500 soldiers, the remnant band of Britons who have pledged allegiance to Prince Arthur, soon to be King Arthur II.]
1st Soldier: We’ll be moving out tomorrow?
2nd Soldier: Probably, Captain Chambers said we mustn’t stay in one place very long.
1st Soldier: I brought my family here on vacation once. They did quite a brisk business showing off the castle. But now there is only the bare ruins again — they tore everything down.
3rd Soldier: We’ll build it up again, once we take care of them.
1st Soldier: Well, at least we now have the advantage over them.
2nd Soldier: How do you figure that?
1st Soldier: We don’t have anything to defend. They control the government and everything that goes with that power – the government buildings, the bridges, the highways, and everything else. We can keep hitting them, like we’ve been doing, hide out for a while, and then hit them again.
3rd Soldier: But eventually we’ll have to defend what we take.
1st Soldier; Yes, but for now let’s let them worry about what we’re up to.
3rd Soldier: Yes, we used to have to worry about the next terrorist strike. Now let them worry about where we’ll strike next.
2nd Soldier: It’s quite a coincidence that the Prince is named Arthur, and he is going to be crowned King here at Tintagel.
4th Soldier: Is it? I don’t believe in coincidences.
3rd Soldier: Quiet, here they come.
[Prince Arthur and Reverend Grey come out of the building to perform the coronation of Prince Arthur.]
Rev. Grey: Do you solemnly promise to govern the people of Great Britain according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and according to the Christian traditions and customs of your British ancestors?
Prince Arthur [placing his hand on the Gospels}: This I promise.
Grey: Will you do all in your power to repel the foreign invader and to extend Christ’s reign of charity throughout the entire realm of Great Britain?
Arthur: All this I most solemnly promise to do. So help me, God.
Grey [laying the crown on Arthur’s head]: Then in the name of Jesus Christ, to whom all kings owe their allegiance, I crown you Arthur II, King of Great Britain.
King Arthur II [addressing his soldiers]: Now Britain has a king and that king has a people. We will begin here and we will not rest until Britain is one united Christian nation again. God bless you all – by the Cross we conquer!
[The soldiers cheer.]
Note from Christopher Grey: I wrote of Arthur Walker in the last Remembrances. He started out as a missionary in Kenya and ended up working for a private detective agency in Savannah, Georgia. He’s been back to Britain three times during the eleven years he’s lived in the United States, but he has not been back here since the Moslem takeover. What follows are excerpts from a letter he sent me a few weeks after the coronation of King Arthur II:
Congratulations to everyone connected with the coronation. At last Britain has a real King again! I only wish I could have been there. Maybe I’ll be able to get back there sometime soon. I certainly hope so.
It’s difficult to say which country is worse off, the United States or Great Britain. But really such comparisons are a waste of time. All the white nations, or should I say formerly white nations, are under siege from the forces of diversity and multiculturalism which translates to Satanism.
Over here there was no official ceremonial takeover as there was in Britain. It was more unofficial in the United States, but it definitely did take place. In the end it was negro worship, the same heathen faith that destroyed the whites in Kenya and South Africa, that sounded the death knell of white America.
Everything that President Murdock did was consistent with what the liberals had been preaching for years. Murdoch just decided that the time was ripe to make what was implicit – that Americans worshipped the negro – explicit. First, he federalized all the state and local police and all the state and local militias. Then he made it federal law that no white police officer could arrest or harm any black, no matter what crimes the black man or woman might be committing. In point of fact, it was illegal to say that a black person was capable of committing a crime. The one exception to that Federal mandate was black on black crime. If a black man shot another black man, then that black man could be arrested by a white police officer, but only if the white police officer did not use deadly force when apprehending the black criminal.
Of course the ‘hands off the black man’ policy led to a complete breakdown of law and order. No white was safe in any area where black men dwelt because it was not a crime to rape or murder a white. And without whites to man the hospitals, keep law and order, dispose of the garbage, run the public transport systems, etc. etc., the cities became plague-infested jungles. The poorer whites who couldn’t get out were murdered and the weaker blacks were murdered by the stronger until the stronger succumbed either to one of the many plagues or to someone stronger. Along with the Federalization of the police came the mandatory attendance at the religious festivals, which are a combination of football games and the Catholic mass. Every sport but football has been abolished and the football season has been made into a twelve-month long season. No whites are allowed to play in either the ceremonial games or the games of the local colleges and high schools. Whites are only permitted to watch and worship—to watch and worship their sacred gods.
Needless to say, it’s all quite disgusting. No, that is not the proper word. It is all quite satanic. But if you saw Kenya and the whites’ capitulation to the Mau Maus in that country, you knew it was coming.
I know that in Britain there is no religious service permitted except the Islamic one, but in America the required service is a blasphemous negroization of the Catholic mass. Pope Francis II sent a papal envoy to President Murdock to set up a mass that was in keeping with the Americans’ love for the negro and the basic principles of the Catholic Church, so the offshoot of that was a mini-mass before every Sunday football game in which the name of the sacred negro was invoked as Christ’s sacred name was once invoked: “In the negro, for the negro, in fellowship with the negro, who is our Lord and…” – I’ll spare you the rest. The service doesn’t take too long, about 20 minutes, and then the game commences. After the game a priest blesses the crowd in the name of the sacred negro. And then the crowd goes home. Of course they can’t fit the entire populace in the stadiums, even though they have built more stadiums. What they’ve done is very clever. They’ve placed huge widescreen television screens in all the local churches. What takes place there is exactly what takes place at the stadiums: there is a short church service and then the game. After the televised game, the priest still gives the blessing in person. The clerics love the new system because it fills the churches. The first failure to attend Sunday services brings a hefty fine. A second offense means death by hanging. Needless to say, there are not many men or women who do not attend the church services. The Moslems? They are not required to attend, but a white man is not permitted to avoid the negro-worshipping services by converting to Islam. All white males must attend the services, even if they have converted to Islam. With the white females it’s different. If a white woman has converted to Islam, she no longer has to attend the negro-worshipping ceremonies.
The Pope and the other ‘Christian’ leaders seem quite willing to adapt their services to suit Moslems and negro- worshippers, but they have no room for white Europeans who worship Jesus Christ. Perhaps it’s just as well that the churches have made their anti-Christian and anti-European bias so blatant. Now at least there is no excuse for the white European. If he has anything to do with them, he is with Satan and not Christ.
There are groups of white men who have gone underground, so to speak. They don’t attend the negro-worshipping services and they have been classified as outlaws by the existing government. The government officials say they are a tiny minority who they are not worried about. They are a tiny minority, but the liberals are worried about them. James Miller heads up one of the groups in this area. He goes around making like Robin Hood – that’s the only way I can think of to describe what he does. He makes punitive raids on the black marauders and white police and military men who murder and imprison white people. He doesn’t scold or lecture the anti-white blacks and the anti-white whites. He kills them. And he dispenses what money he gets from the punitive raids to white people who desperately need some assistance. I’ve been able to give some aid to his organization because, as you recall, I never worked openly for James’ detective agency, I worked undercover. The liberals own the army, the police, the churches, the schools, and the government, but they have failed to stop little pockets of resistance, like James Miller’s underground men. I’ve even heard talk in the underground pipeline that there is a chance that the white Russians might join with the native-born white Americans and make an old style invasion of the United States, but I wouldn’t want them to push it too soon. I think we need to weaken the liberal pillars a little more before Liberaldom comes tumbling down. I’ll probably be in Britain serving under King Arthur before the American underground decides to become an above ground conquering army. But in Britain’s case and in America’s case the death of Liberaldom is a consummation devoutly to be wished.
I’ve saved the worst news for last. Our friend Father Bontini has been captured. When he came over here about 18 months ago, shortly after the Moslem takeover of Britain, he was an enormous help to us. He couldn’t use his real name, of course, but under the assumed name of Joe Rossi he got a job with the Roman Catholic Social Services organization. With his firsthand knowledge of the way the Catholic liberal works, he was able to subvert that anti-white, anti-Christian organization. He gave Miller and his white commandos advanced knowledge of the Catholic Social Services planned raids on white people. The raids were punitive raids that the Catholic Social Services used to murder and imprison whites who were said to be racist. Very, very little evidence was needed for a raid. If a member of Catholic Social Services didn’t like the looks of you, or if a black said you were racist, it was all over. The Catholic Social Services would come and either kill you on the spot or send you to prison. As we know there is now only one capital crime in the United States, and that is white racism.
Father Bontini did all he could. Many times when the Catholic Social Services storm troopers came to kill white “racists” Miller was there with a squad of white guerrilla fighters. Then it was the Catholic Social Services storm troopers, not the innocent whites, who were killed. And when Bontini had advance information about the Catholic Social Services plans for resettlement of the Somalis he always sent word to Miller. That is why so many of the resettlement projects failed. Miller and his guerrillas burned down the sites just before the Somalis were scheduled to settle there.
I don’t know exactly how Father Bontini became known to the liberals, but they did finally discover who he was. He was that racist, defrocked, Italian priest who had served time in Italy for an assault on Pope Paul VI. But it is for his crimes in this country that he is going to be tried. He is being charged with the most serious crime in America: He is being charged with aiding and abetting racist whites who want to take over the United States. The penalty for that crime is, of course, death.
Since all crimes dealing with race are handled by the Federal courts, Murdock has appointed one of his handpicked federal judges to try the case. The trial will be in Washington D.C. in three weeks. I don’t think either you or I have any doubt about the outcome of that trial. I know we all must die, and Father Bontini has assured us all that he is ready to die, but still he is my friend and I wish there was something I could do. James Miller says that the authorities would like nothing better than a commando raid on Father Bontini’s jail cell. I think he’s right. I suppose it’s hopeless, but I know how close you have been and still are to Father Bontini. Is there anything that can be done?
-Arthur Walker
Act III. Scene 1. Somewhere in England.
Walker: I must say it’s good to be back in Britain, even if it’s only a small part of Britain.
Bontini: It might be a larger section after tomorrow.
Walker: I hope so. If King Arthur truly has the support he thinks he has, all of Wales and Cornwall as well will be free of Moslem rule.
Bontini: We’ll see. But just being here is a miracle to me. Four weeks ago, I was scheduled to be executed on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. At least where the Lincoln Memorial used to be.
Walker: There are statues of Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, Jr. there now, aren’t there?
Bontini: There were. I haven’t been back to Italy since my exile, but I’m told that the Sistine Chapel has been torn down and replaced by the Nelson Mandela Museum.
Walker: Yes, that’s true. Almost every art work from Christian Europe has been destroyed. Only the literature survives because a book can be circulated in the underground.
Bontini: Yes, even if King Arthur takes Wales and Cornwall it will not restore what we have lost. But still, it will be the beginning of a new-old Europe.
Walker: Precisely.
[Enter John Chambers]
Chambers: I’ll be moving out with the army tonight, but I just had to stop and see you before I left. [He embraces Father Bontini.]
Bontini [obviously delighted]: Such emotion from an Englishman, Mr. Chambers. You surprise me!
Chambers [laughing]: Well, I hope the Moslems will be surprised as well. They have no idea that we’re strong enough to hit them straight on.
Walker: Forgive me if I ask a stupid question, but I’ve been in the States for the past 12 years. Are we strong enough to hit them straight on?
Chambers: I think we are. And I’m not a cockeyed optimist.
Bontini: Nor a Hotspur either, right?
Chambers: No, “Die all, die merrily” is not my motto. I believe in killing the enemy.
Bontini: God go with you and the rest of the men.
Chambers: Are you going to give me the details of your escape? How did he pull it off?
Bontini: Didn’t he tell you?
Chambers: I only saw him briefly when he got back, and then he only wanted to know how the army was coming along.
Bontini: Well, I was tried, convicted, and sentenced to be beheaded on the steps of what used to be the Lincoln Memorial. It is now the great chopping block for the Washington D.C. area. Thousands upon thousands of whites have been executed there. I was going to be one of the victims. How Christopher managed it is beyond me, and he always gets vague when you ask him about something he’s done.
Chambers: Yes [smiling], he does get vague about his missions of mercy.
Bontini: Well, there is always a Catholic priest–actually they don’t call themselves Catholic anymore, they call themselves Mandelaites—present at the execution. And there are the two guards who escort the prisoner to the chopping block. And then there is the executioner. You can imagine my surprise—but judging from his past record, I shouldn’t have been surprised—when the executioner turned out to be the Reverend Christopher Grey. Christopher killed the two guards, slipped a gas mask over my face and one over his own while a few well-placed men from Miller’s marauders threw tear gas bombs all over the area. You see the liberals were prepared for a frontal attack, but they were not prepared for a one-man rescue at their sacrificial altar. The Reverend got me out of Washington and then out of America altogether.
Walker: When I asked about the statues of Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela, you said they used to be there, where the Lincoln Memorial used to be. What did you mean?
Bontini: I meant they used to be there before Christopher pulled them down. His strength has never left him after all these years.
Walker: He was aptly named: the Christ Bearer. It’s what he’s been doing his entire life…
Bontini: Yes, tearing down the idols of the liberals. And tomorrow the work toward a new Christian Britain begins. But then I should say that it has already begun and tomorrow it will continue.
Chambers: Yes. And God willing, we’ll all meet here again on Christmas Eve.
All: God willing.
Act III. Scene 2. Somewhere in England
[Late into the evening of the same day. Bontini, Walker, and Dr. Shelton of Oxford]
Walker: The waiting is difficult; I wish I was with the army.
Bontini: You will be, but Chambers thought it was better to wait until you got a chance to get used to the army before you plunged right into a major battle.
Walker: I understand that, but the waiting is still hard.
Bontini: In the meantime, maybe Dr. Shelton can tell us how an academic came to be associated with King Arthur and Christopher Grey.
Shelton: Every conversion story is different. I don’t think my conversion was as sudden as it might appear if you just looked at what I was doing professionally.
I had the usual British education, which was quite liberal. By the time I got my doctorate in philosophy from Oxford I was a perfectly trained intellectual idiot, who hated all things European and most especially all things British. I loved all things that were not part of European culture and I most particularly loved the black race. But of course all my loves were in the abstract. I didn’t marry until I was thirty-five, but of course I had many women before my marriage to a twenty-two year-old woman who had been one of my students. The marriage lasted two years. There were no children. I married two more times, both of those marriages lasted three years total. At sixty I was alone and a drug addict. A lifetime of philosophical abstraction had made me more of a vegetable than a human being… This is all quite pathetic and quite uninteresting, do you really want to hear more?
Bontini: Yes, we all come from liberalism, I was one of the worst. Every conversion from liberalism interests me.
Shelton: All right, I’ll continue. The game in academia, particularly in philosophy, is to place yourself in the position of one of the Olympians. You are the great god of reason, who is above the base multitude. You, devoid of passion, will objectively pass judgement on the activities of mankind. Of course the absurdity of that premise is quite clear to any sane man. But there are no sane men in academia. I was full of smoldering passions, I hated everything human, because everything human in my “objective opinion” was imperfect. All my wives were imperfect; they didn’t love me enough. All my colleagues were imperfect; they didn’t appreciate me enough. And all the traditions and customs that stemmed from Christian Britain were evil, because they were imperfect and stifling. They stifled my genius.
There it is. When I add that I was hopelessly addicted to cocaine, I am mentioning that as a logical consequence of an overweening vanity that, if I was really so objective, I would have recognized, in reality, was a self-loathing. Try as we might, we Europeans, we cannot completely efface His image, and when we see ourselves next to Him, we loathe what we are and kill ourselves, because we can’t be like Him, while we strike out at anything and everybody that reminds us of Him. That is the essence of liberalism, gentlemen, and if it reminds you of the devil, you are right to be so reminded. Self-love, envy, and hatred of the light – and the light is to be combated with pure intelligence. It’s all quite pathetic. And it would be laughable if it was not a pathetic pathology that destroys and kills both the body and the soul.
Walker: But there was a moment, wasn’t there? You are here, you are with His people. So there must have been a moment of light?
Shelton: Yes, there was. It was completely undeserved, but the grace of God is always undeserved. Two years prior to the formal Moslem takeover, I lost my university position, not due to any suspicion of Christian heresy, but because the Moslems had no use for any philosopher even if he was a Western secular philosopher. I lost my position and my income and my health care. Both of which I needed, because of my cocaine addiction.
Well, the hospitals in Britain had become, as you know, mere slaughter houses. Any non-Moslem who was sick was simply killed. So I didn’t go to the hospital. I found a dingy hovel and stocked in an illegal supply of hard liquor and prepared to drink myself to death.
And I would have succeeded, except for the one human relic of my desolate life. I had a son by my second wife. I had never seen him. You see my second wife was German; I met her and married her when I was doing a two-year stint as a guest professor at the University of Munich. She didn’t even tell me that she was two months pregnant when we divorced. Some ten years later, she told me about my son. I don’t recall being that interested in seeing him, I just was outraged that she had withheld the truth from me. You see I was very big on the truth. Like the king of liars, I was a liar who thought he loved the truth. And the truth was that I was too intelligent to co-exist with stupid humanity.
Well, this son whom I had never seen, found me. I cursed him, berated him, and told him from my deathbed that I wanted nothing to do with him. But still he plagued me for four weeks with an unbearable patience and kindness. In between curses one day I asked him why. “Because you are my father, and I love you.”
I was trapped. I couldn’t move from my bed, and I couldn’t avoid his compassion and his love. And through him I came to Him. By the time I was well, I had a son and knew myself to be Christ’s child, and I knew that Christ was the Son of the living God.
My son’s name is now known throughout Germany; his mother gave him her family name. He is the leader of the Christian armies in Germany. At this date, as you know, the Christians have retaken Bavaria and some of the neighboring provinces. I thought the least I could do was to be of some service to the Christian forces here, which I hope will eventually unite with the German forces and drive the Moslems from Europe. Listen to me, the great anti-European talking about driving the Moslems from Europe.
Walker: How on earth did your son escape the modernist pestilence?
Shelton: By a miracle of grace. He was raised to be a liberal, but his heart was too great for liberalism. Shakespeare, Scott, the Brothers Grimm, the Reverend Grey, the Black Forest of Christian Germany, and the image of Christ that still haunted Germany’s Moslem present all drew him to Christ. At first his heart and then his sword belonged to Christ. I pray that God keeps him safe, because he is my son and I love him and because Christian Europe needs such men.
Bontini [gets up and embraces Shelton who is in tears]: God bless you, and God bless your son. Let’s pray for him and for the success of King Arthur and his army.
Act IV. Scene 1. Christmas Eve at Tintagel.
[Tintagel is now a fortified town. The army is gathered in an open field. King Arthur is about to address the troops.]
King Arthur: I needn’t tell anyone here, because you were the ones doing the fighting, that we have won a great victory. All of Wales, Cornwall, and parts of Northern Scotland belong to Britain.
[Great cheers]
I’ve reinstituted the old Christmas tradition of twelve days and nights of celebration. But lest we forget, we have the liberal-Moslem armies always in front of us. So this Christmas, and for many Christmases to come, most likely, we’ll need to celebrate in shifts. Some must guard our nation’s borders while others celebrate, and then those who are rested will relieve the others. I need not tell you that we cannot rest while there is a liberal or a Moslem, at large in Britain. Great counter-revolutions are happening throughout Europe, we must do our part. And from the bottom of my heart, I thank you all. There is now a Christian flag, our flag, over part of Britain. God willing the cross will soon fly over all of Britain – [great cheers]. And now before we each go to our private Christmas celebrations, I’ll ask the Reverend Christopher Grey to say a few words.
Grey: There are no words more befitting Christmas than the divinely inspired words of St. Luke:
And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
And now if you’ll stay with me for a few moments longer, I’d like you to sing my favorite hymn, “Abide with Me”:
Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide;
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me.
Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day;
Earth’s joys grow dim, its glories pass away;
Change and decay in all around I see—
O Thou who changest not, abide with me.
I need Thy presence every passing hour;
What but Thy grace can foil the tempter’s pow’r?
Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.
I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless;
Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness;
Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, thy victory?
I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.
Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;
Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies;
Heav’n’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee;
In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.
God bless you and Merry Christmas.
Act IV. Scene 2. A refurbished room in a restored house in Tintagel.
[The Reverend Grey, Father Bontini, Arthur Walker, Dr. Shelton, John Chambers, and King Arthur are present.]
Grey [addressing King Arthur]: I know you’ll want to spend Christmas with your intended and her family. Will you be able to?
King Arthur: I think so. The borders are secure and I won’t be leaving here for another week, then I’m going to inspect the troops in Scotland.
Walker: I’ve been away from Britain for quite some time; I had no idea you were engaged.
Chambers: Well, he is; soon we shall have a Queen Elizabeth.
Walker: When?
King Arthur: On January 1st. I’ll be married to Elizabeth Austen, no relation, or so I’m told, to Jane Austen.
Walker: It’s no matter. So long as you love her and she is British.
King Arthur: I do and she is.
Shelton: It’s beginning to look like Christian Europe is not quite dead yet.
Grey: No, indeed. Over half of Germany now belongs to the Christians. And I’ve heard through Edward Owen that South Africa belongs to the white Christians again. And in America, Arthur could tell you more about this, the white Southern forces, led by James Miller, have joined forces with the Russian Army to retake Florida, Georgia, and most of Mississippi. They are flying the Confederate flag side by side with the old flag of Czarist Russia. Those are the countries I have first-hand knowledge of, but I’ve heard of guerilla movements and full scale assaults from the European ranks throughout all the European countries. It won’t be easy – the war will be a long one. But it is now certain that the European people are ready, finally, to fight for Christian Europe.
Walker: We are either the Christ-bearing people or we are nothing.
Bontini: Yes.
Grey: Gentlemen, it’s past midnight, so I must wish you all a merry Christmas and if you’ll allow me, I want to read a poem of a friend of mine who died young but left us this poem in tribute to his Lord.
When marshalled on the nightly plain,
The glittering host bestud the sky;
One star alone of all the train
Can fix the sinner’s wandering eye.
Hark! hark! to God the chorus breaks,
From every host, from every gem;
But one alone the Savior speaks,
It is the Star of Bethlehem.
Once on the raging seas I rode,
The storm was loud, the night was dark,
The ocean yawned, and rudely blowed
The wind that tossed my foundering bark.
Deep horror then my vitals froze,
Death-struck, I ceased the tide to stem;
When suddenly a star arose,
It was the Star of Bethlehem.
It was my guide, my light, my all;
It bade my dark forebodings cease;
And through the storm and danger’s thrall,
It led me to the port of peace.
Now safely, moored—my perils o’er
I’ll sing, first in night’s diadem,
Forever and forevermore,
The Star—the Star of Bethlehem.
[Kneeling in prayer]
May the Christ Child come into your hearts this Christmas and every Christmas, from now till the ending of the world when we shall see the Savior face to face. Amen. +