To CWNY’s readers from his family:
CWNY began writing his Remembrances on his first blog and was finishing the eleventh chapter to be published for Christmas 2021 when he was called home. We, his family, are posthumously publishing what was completed, making a few minor edits as we believe he would have wanted, in the spirit of The Mystery of Edwin Drood, such as giving names to characters not yet named.
We hope when you read his final Remembrances, you will feel CWNY at your side still, to help and encourage you in this evil and adulterous generation. He felt deeply for his Lord’s servants, and prayed for all of us every night. He wrote with his whole heart, and he served his Lord faithfully. Through the dark nights of despair and trouble of this world, he fought his way home to his Savior and was Cambria Will Not Yield to the very moment of parting. Although he never would have said it of himself, we his family know that what Admiral Nelson said of himself applies with equal truth to CWNY: “Thank God I have done my duty!”
The final Remembrances ends with the young boy, Johnny, about to tell of a beautiful dream he had. At this point CWNY’s pen fell; we shall never hear Johnny’s dream in this world. CWNY has entered into the real Dream; he will finish telling it to us when we meet him again, where sorrow and sighing shall flee away. What was Johnny’s dream? Although we do not know the details, we do know with certainty that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is at the center of it.
God bless you this Christmas, and always, and Christ be with you!
“In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” – John 16: 33
Addendum: As of 9/14/22, all the Remembrances, from the first to the last, posthumously-published one on this page, have been compiled into a single PDF, available on the Preservation page.
For the time being, Remembrances II through X may be read online here, and Remembrances I: The Policeman, may be read on the earlier blog here.
Remembrances XI: The Final, Unfinished Chapter

Act I. Scene 1.
One year earlier…
Susan’s mother was wrong; she did not hit Johnny with a bullet from her Glock pistol, which is another example of the insufficiency of mere fire power without accuracy. Johnny was dragging his leg when he fled from Susan’s house because he sprained it when he jumped from the balcony. The 20+ bullets were sprayed all around him, but they did not hit him.
Johnny spent the night dodging the police cars. He knew of hideaways in alleys and old burned-out buildings that the police did not know about. In the early morning, after keeping on the move the entire night, Johnny came to an old dilapidated church on the edge of the city. At first he thought the church was abandoned without any inhabitants, but he saw a light in the adjacent rectory. Starved and desperate, he took a chance and entered the church. Needless to say the church was a ‘converted’ church: the sign outside read, ‘The African Church of North America,’ and inside the usual signs of the new religion were present. The former Stations of the Cross had been replaced by various scenes depicting the evolution of the black race from slaves to gods. Now, instead of Christ, a depiction of the Sacred Negro was at the front of the church. When Johnny entered the church, a white priest, about 75 years of age, was at the altar cleaning up the blood that had been spilled when the sacrificial white victim had been killed on the altar at last night’s service. Johnny limped up to the old man with a vague hope that he could get something to eat without becoming a sacrificial offering himself.
Old Priest: What do we have here? A little white boy. I don’t think you are supposed to be here, are you?
Johnny: Please sir, I’m very hungry, could you give me some food?
Old Priest: Certainly, you just wait here and I’ll bring you some toast and jelly. Would you like that?
Johnny: Please, I’d like any food.
Old Priest: Good, I’ll bring it. [The priest briefly leaves the room and brings back the food. He then sits down and waits until Johnny has eaten.] I’ll bet that makes you feel much better. What is your name?
Johnny: Johnny, sir. And yes, it was good.
Old Priest: Now tell me the truth, Johnny, you are a white runaway, aren’t you? You have run away from the white internment camp.
Johnny: I don’t know what an internment camp means. The guards call it the white pigsty.
Old Priest: It amounts to the same thing.
Johnny: You won’t send me back there, will you?
Old Priest: I am a priest in the African Catholic Church of North America, Johnny. Do you know what that means?
Johnny: It means you are going to send me back.
Old Priest: Johnny, you do not understand. You are a white boy. And as a white boy, you are full of evil, racist prejudices. If you are allowed to grow up free and unrestrained, how could we be sure that you wouldn’t become a racist and hurt a black person? You might even become a member of the White Underground.
Johnny: But why do I have to be a prisoner in the white pigsty? You are white, and you are free.
Old Priest: There is where you are wrong, Johnny. I am not a normal white person. I am an illuminated white. By a process that you are too young to understand, I have become illuminated in my mind, which makes me black inside. To put it in terms that you can understand, let me just say that I thought very hard about how bad it was to be white, and I made myself, by thinking so hard, into a black man.
Johnny: But you still look white to me.
Old Priest: That is only on the outside, Johnny, on the inside I am black, and that is why I am free to perform the holy sacrifice at the altar every Sunday.
Johnny: You kill white people on the altar, don’t you?
Old Priest: I wouldn’t use the term ‘kill,’ Johnny, I would use the term ‘sacrifice.’ We sacrifice whites on the altar of the Sacred Negro.
Johnny: Will I be sacrificed on the altars of the Sacred Negro some day?
Old Priest: Yes, Johnny, you will be sacrificed there, as all members of the internment camps, the whites with no scientific aptitudes, are sacrificed. You, because you tried to run away, will be sacrificed on this altar next Sunday. While I was preparing breakfast for you, I called the police.
Johnny: Why do you hate me so?
Old Priest: I don’t hate you, Johnny, it is not a bad thing to die, especially if we die on the altar of the Sacred Negro.
Johnny: But what happens to us when we die?
Old Priest: We become part of nature, we are absorbed by the elements.
Johnny: But I want to go to heaven when I die, me Johnny, I want to personally go to heaven to meet Jesus.
Old Priest [very harshly]: Who told you about heaven and Jesus?
Johnny: No one told me, I read about Jesus and heaven in a storybook.
Old Priest [even more harshly]: Storybooks, especially old storybooks, are forbidden in the African Republic of North America. Who gave it to you?
Johnny: No one, I found it. There were stories from the book, there were good white people in the book, too, white people who spoke of Jesus and heaven.
Old Priest: [slaps Johnny] That is racism, Johnny. You are not to speak of Jesus in such a manner. He is not a god.
Johnny: “Roses bloom and cease to be,
But we shall the Christ child see.”
That was in the book and I believe the book, because there were beautiful stories in the book.
Old Priest: [in a rage] You are not to speak of such things!
Johnny: I will, I will, you are going to kill me anyway!
Old Priest: [leaps upon Johnny and starts strangling him] I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, you little fiend.
[In the midst of strangling Johnny, the priest has a heart attack and dies. As Johnny rolls free, he hears police sirens outside. As the police mount the stairs, he escapes out the window.]
Act I. Scene 2.
One December later – a room within the stronghold of Christian Britain, formerly called Wales.
King Arthur II: I know you don’t use the internet so you probably haven’t heard the news from America.
Christopher Grey: I don’t think computers are intrinsically evil, but I am a very old dog; I don’t want to learn any new tricks. Judging by the look on your face I don’t think I’m going to like the news from America.
King Arthur: No, it is not good news. The Christian stronghold in what used to be Tennessee, Morgan is the clan leader there, was hit by the liberals’ bombers.
Christopher Grey: Were there many casualties?
King Arthur: That is uncertain. The Christians, Morgan’s people, made it to the underground tunnels before the bombers struck, so no one was killed on the Christian side. But two of the bombers were shot down. The liberal pilots and crews in those planes are all dead. The Christians will have to relocate now that their stronghold has been discovered, but Morgan knows that country better than Davy Crocket ever did; the Christians will survive.
Christopher Grey: How did the liberals discover the location of the stronghold?
King Arthur: That is a sad story.
Christopher Grey: An apostate?
King Arthur: Not so much an apostate, but a man who was weak in his faith. Do you remember hearing about the liberals’ Sister Jacqueline, a high priestess in the African Catholic Church?
Christopher Grey: Yes, she was captured by the white underground at the Inn where our Lord appeared two Christmases ago.
King Arthur: Yes, that’s right. Well she was a prisoner in the underground camp for two years. She was treated humanely, she had good food and water and she was not tortured or abused. At first she just spewed out her venom, on the guards and her fellow prisoners. But for the last three months she seemed changed. She asked for a copy of the Bible and she frequently quoted long passages of the New Testament to her fellow prisoners and the guards. One guard in particular, David Halfaway, became very fond of her. Morgan tells me Sister Jacqueline is a very physically attractive woman. At any rate, her looks and what appeared to be her new piety convinced Halfaway that she was now a believing Christian. He went to Morgan and asked him to allow Sister Jacqueline the freedom to live among the Christians. Morgan was not willing to release Sister Jacqueline “just yet.” He told Halfaway that she might be feigning her conversion. Well, Halfaway couldn’t accept that verdict. He helped Sister Jacqueline to escape. Apparently she convinced him that they would be married and live separate from the liberals and the Christians. Halfaway’s body was found about a mile from the stronghold. He was stabbed in the back. As soon as they knew what happened the Christians went underground and as a consequence they survived the bombing raid. Through a labyrinth of tunnels, that they have built up over the years, they are now a great distance removed from their old stronghold.
Christopher Grey: You are right, Halfaway was not an apostate, he was simply weak. I’ll pray for him.
King Arthur: There is one more thing, and I apologize for not coming to this right away, but –
Christopher Grey: It’s about Johnny isn’t it?
King Arthur: How did you know?
Christopher Grey: I felt it. Tell me what happened.
King Arthur: After the liberals’ bombers hit the liberals’ ground troops came on, they hoped they could completely wipe out the underground by a follow-up mop up campaign with ground troops. But as I said, the white Christians made it to the shelters in time. Except for a group of children that were too far from camp to make it to the shelters. It seems that Herb Broadhurst, the former archivist in liberaldom and one of the men at the inn, and Thomas Kent, Susan’s father, took Johnny, Susan, and about eight other children to the theater in the woods. They went there to rehearse for the Christmas pageant. All the parts in the nativity play were to be performed by the children. When the bombers hit Broadhurst and Kent got the children to the rocks, they couldn’t possibly get to the underground shelters, and managed to survive the bombing raids. But when they came out from the rocks they encountered the liberals’ troops. Herb decided to keep them away from the children by running away from where the children were hiding. Kent stayed back with the children and eventually got them safely back to the white Christians’ underground hideout.
Christopher Grey: All but Johnny?
King Arthur: Yes, all but Johnny. Before Kent could stop him he ran to catch up with Broadhurst. I’m sure he felt it would be a more convincing decoy if there was at least two white fugitives. Well, they caught Broadhurst and Johnny, but, as I said, Kent and the rest of the children got back safely.
Christopher Grey: Where is Broadhurst now and where is Johnny?
King Arthur: Broadhurst is going to be tried in America by the African Catholic authorities there. I think Sister Jacqueline will preside over his trial.
Christopher Grey: And Johnny?
King Arthur: He is going to be flown to Rome to be tried by Pope Francis II, the son of Francis the blasphemer. You know what that means.
Christopher Grey: Yes, I do. There will be a show trial, he will be convicted, then he will be tortured and then he will be executed.
King Arthur: We have a very efficient special forces unit here at Tintagel. We could try to bring Johnny out of there.
Christopher Grey: No, I don’t think that is possible. The liberals will be ready for a military rescue attempt.
King Arthur: But we can’t just leave him there.
Christopher Grey: We aren’t going to leave him there.
King Arthur: But you said –
Christopher Grey: I said a traditional military strike would not work. I did not say that Johnny would be left in the hands of those creatures from hell who have left charity and mercy behind them. I will go to Rome. And I promise you that I will bring Johnny back here.
Act I. Scene 3.
The new Christian stronghold.
Morgan: It will take some time before we can regain some semblance of normality, but everyone seems to be taking the inconveniences quite well.
Thomas Davenport: I think the people feel it would be an affront to God to grumble and complain about their new quarters considering that we all could have been wiped out if we hadn’t discovered Halfaway’s body in time.
Morgan: Yes, poor Halfaway. I blame myself for his death.
Father Bontini: You mustn’t. His death was a tragedy, but it was not your fault.
Morgan: I should have had Sister Jacqueline executed two years ago when we took her prisoner at the inn.
Father BontiniI: It wasn’t wrong to give her chance to convert.
Morgan: Thank you, Father, but there is a point of no return. I should have seen that she wouldn’t convert.
Davenport: Herb Broadhurst is a brave man.
Morgan: Yes he is. And I’m not going to let him be tortured and murdered by Jacqueline and her cohorts. I just heard from Britain, Christopher Grey is going after Johnny, and I must try and release Herb Broadhurst.
Thomas Kent: Why must you do it alone, he is a good friend of mine, let me come to.
Morgan: No, you must stay here with your daughter. Besides, I am like Antonio, ‘a tainted wether of the flock, Meetest for death.’
Father Bontini: If that is the case then I should go, I’m older than you.
Morgan: Yes, you are, by a few years, but why are we talking about dying? I have a lot of expertise in this sort of thing. I’ll take a few commandos with me and we’ll bring Herb Broadhurst out of that liberal hell hole.
Father Bontini: He’ll be carefully guarded.
Morgan: Then we shall carefully release him.
Act II. Scene 1.
Takes place in a church in Rome. The church is traditional outside, and inside it has all the symbols of an older religion, but those symbols have been negroized. The sacred black gods have replaced Christ. By special permission a devotee in the African Catholic Church can still ask for a private confession. Very few do, but some of the older members of the African Catholic Church still request a private confession. That is the case here. Maria Aldona, 91 years of age, has requested and been granted a private confession. Father Lucentio, aged 44, is her confessor.
Father Lucentio: In the name of our god given reason, the sacred negro and pure science, I shall hear your confession.
Maria Aldona: Forgive me father for I have sinned. It’s been two weeks since my last confession.
Father Lucentio: What new sins could you have committed in such a short time?
Maria Aldona: I have questioned, in my heart, the wisdom and judgement of the church authorities and I have been unable to suppress a longing to believe in Jesus Christ as my lord and Savior.
Father Lucentio: Those are serious sins. Tell me more about them. First, why do you question the wisdom and judgement of our church authorities?
Maria Aldona: I witnessed the parade through the streets of Rome two days ago. That 9 year old American boy, Johnny, was led through the streets in a cage. No matter what his sins, I just couldn’t accept his treatment. I felt, in my heart, that it was wrong. Couldn’t he have been brought to his senses by gentle persuasion? Couldn’t the church authorities have talked to him in private and brought him around without putting him in a cage and holding him up to public humiliation?
Father Lucentio: That young child that you say you have such sympathy for not only murdered a Priest in the African Catholic Church he blasphemed against the sacred negro. He affirmed Christ as the living God and rejected the true God, which is and always shall be the sacred negro.
Maria Aldona: I don’t see how it was possible for the boy to kill a grown man with his bare hands, and besides that, is it really so bad to believe that Christ is our savior? When I was a little girl they taught me to believe that Christ was our Savior.
Father Lucentio: It is not for us to question just how that white boy killed the good father. The facts are clear – he did kill him. And secondly, the new Catechism that came out after Vatican IV expressly forbids any linkage between the humanity of Christ and the divinity of God. The historical figure, Jesus Christ, was a herald of the living God, which is, of course, the sacred negro.
Maria Aldona: I know that is what, as a good Catholic, I am supposed to believe, but I just can’t feel it in my heart.
Father Lucentio: But you must feel it in your heart. How can I give you absolution if you are not truly repentant? You have confessed two mortal sins, first you have questioned the authority of the one, holy and apostolic church, and secondly, you have blasphemed against the sacred negro.
Maria Aldona: I don’t know what to do Father, I can’t help what I feel.
Father Lucentio: Then I can’t give you absolution. Go before the alter of the sacred negro and pray that he can purge the evil of whiteness, because that is ultimately the source of all sin, from your heart.
[Maria Aldona exits the confessional, but she does not go before the image of the sacred negro which is at the center of the church. She goes to a side panel, which depicts the evolution of the Catholic faith. She stops and kneels before an image of Jesus Christ on the cross.]
Act II. Scene 2.
What seems to be a robed Priest taps Maria Aldona on the shoulder and points a finger at a nearby confessional.
Maria Aldona: But Father I’ve just been to confession.
[The robed figure is insistent and Maria complies by going into the confessional. The robed figure enters the priest’s position in the confessional.]
Maria Aldona: Father, I’ve just been to confession.
Christopher Grey: This is not a confession. I am not a priest in this church.
Maria Aldona: Who are you then?
Christopher Grey: My name is Christopher Grey, perhaps you have heard of me.
Maria Aldona: Indeed I have, you helped my grandson and his son escape from the Inquisition. He once was a jailer her in Rome.
Christopher Grey: Yes, but he came to believe in Christ the Lord.
Maria Aldona: Is Christ still our Savior?
Christopher Grey: Yes, He is, and He always shall be our Savior.
Maria Aldona: But that is not what the Church teaches.
Christopher Grey: What is the church, Maria? Is it the buildings or is it something more?
Maria Aldona: I don’t know anymore.
Christopher Grey: Yes you do, Maria. I watched you as you left the confessional. You didn’t go before the image of the sacred negro at the front of the church. You went to the image of Christ crucified on the side panel. Why did you do that, Maria?
Maria Aldona: Because I just couldn’t make myself kneel before the sacred negro.
Christopher Grey: Something in your heart wouldn’t let you, isn’t that right?
Maria Aldona: Yes.
Christopher Grey: Christ’s church consists of the men and women who have taken Him into their hearts, Maria. You belong to that church and only that church.
Maria Aldona: I want that church and only that church.
Christopher Grey: You shall have it. There are men that have come here with me, they will make sure that you go out of Rome safely in order to be united with your grandson and great-grandson.
Maria Aldona: That is too good to be true.
Christopher Grey: Well, it is true. The men will be waiting for you at your house.
Maria Aldona: Will you be coming with us?
Christopher Grey: No, I will come later, I have some other business here in Rome.
Maria Aldona: Does that business involve that young boy who has been captured and will be tried for the murder of a priest?
Christopher Grey: Yes.
Maria Aldona: As long as I can remember there has always been a Christopher Grey going about the world championing Christ. But I am 91 years old, how can it be that I have memories of an adult Christopher Grey when I was a little girl? You must be older than the 107 years that are attributed to you.
Christopher Grey: My life span has been of a Biblical length, you are right; I am older than the 107 years attributed to me. I don’t know why God has chosen me to do this work, but He has. It’s quite possible that He thinks I must do extra penance. But that is not for me to know.
Maria Aldona: Will Johnny be set free?
Christopher Grey: They will not set him free. They, if they are allowed to, will torture him and then murder him.
Maria Aldona: Why are they so cruel?
Christopher Grey: They have forsaken the God of mercy and love; they are liberals.
Maria Aldona: It’s very hard to believe such people can be allowed to exist. Reverend Grey, why doesn’t the blessed Savior put a stop to this – to this world of liberals?
Christopher Grey: Someday He will. But until that time we must do what we can against them. Johnny will not be tortured or murdered. I can assure you of that. And you shall be in Christian Britain with your loved ones in less than three days.
Maria Aldona: Bless you, Reverend Grey.
Act II. Scene 3
Pope Francis II, the son of Pope Francis the Blasphemer, is in the Vatican council room with Monsignor Baptista and the black cardinal, Abu Buddha.
Pope Francis: The trial will be televised worldwide so I want it to be staged properly.
Monsignor Baptista: It will be, your Holiness, but…
Pope Francis: I don’t like that ‘but’.
Monsignor Baptista: I’m sorry, your holiness.
Pope Francis: Never mind the ‘I’m sorry’, what is your objection?
Monsignor Baptista: I don’t have any objection. Let me just say that I have a fear.
Pope Francis: What is your fear then?
Monsignor Baptista: I am afraid if we sentence the boy to torture and death that many people will turn against us.
Abu Buddha: My people won’t stand for anything less than torture and death. I don’t care about the death of one white priest, but I do care about any rebellion against the black church and so do my people.
Pope Francis: Quite right, but once he is sentenced should we televise his torture and death?
Monsignor Baptista: No.
Abu Buddha: Yes.
Pope Francis: I think I must defer to Cardinal Buddha; all manifestations of whiteness must be dealt with severely.
Monsignor Baptista: I agree, but should we televise the punishment?
Pope Francis: Yes we should. There is no shame in punishing whiteness, so why should we act as if we are ashamed?
Abu Buddha: Quite right. Now I must go and advise the torturers, we must not kill the white fiend too quickly.
Exit Carinal Buddha
Pope Francis: Monsignor, I am worried about you. I hope you are not suffering from the white psychosis, which is, as you know, a morbid inclination to take pity on white racists.
Monsignor Baptista: Far from it, your holiness. I have no pity for that despicable white boy. My reservations about the televised event are merely tactical. There is still, I’m sorry to say, some whites who do not accept the sacred negro as our Lord and Savior. They might be stirred up if they see this boy tortured and murdered on television.
Pope Francis: I always listen to your advice, Monsignor. But in this case I think your fears are unfounded. We must not be afraid. If we act from the purity of our faith, if we act in the name of the sacred negro, nothing can or shall go wrong.
Monsignor Baptista: So be it, your holiness.
[He bows and kisses the Papal ring.]
Act III. Scene 1.
Herb Broadhurst’s prison cell. Sister Jacqueline has come to visit him. They are alone in the cell.
H.B.: To what do I owe this honor?
S.J.: Don’t become sarcastic with me. I have absolute power over you now and I can use that power to have you tortured and executed.
H.B.: And I’m sure you shall use that power.
S.J.: I most certainly shall. You and your Christian comrades were fools. You should have killed me right away. I was never going to convert to your hideous white racist religion.
H.B.: No, you weren’t; David Halfaway found that out the hard way.
S.J.: He was a fool.
H.B.: Yes, I suppose he was, but he was a good man and you killed him simply because he thought you were a good woman.
S.J.: I am not bound by the rules of a racist God or any man who adheres to a racist religion.
H.B.: What rules are you bound by?
S.J.: I am a priestess in the one Holy African Church of America.
H.B.: Why did you come here; I’m sure it wasn’t to have a debate with me.
S.J.: No, it isn’t. I came here to offer you a chance to work, once again, for the one Holy African Church. I will personally reopen the archives again and allow you to work for us.
H.B.: And what am I supposed to do to earn such a great favor?
S.J.: You must tell me where the new headquarters of the White Underground is.
H.B.: What makes you think I know where the new headquarters are?
S.J.: I was imprisoned there for two years, I saw the way things went. You were an intimate of that man called Morgan; I’m sure you know where they are hiding.
H.B.: Why do you think I’d tell you that information?
S.J.: To avoid torture.
H.B.: Death is always preferable to torture, I won’t deny that, but I’m afraid I am going to have to decline your offer.
S.J.: Don’t hold out any hope for a rescue; we are prepared for a sneak attack on the prison.
H.B.: I’m sure you are. I don’t expect to be rescued.
S.J.: Then you shall die slowly in agony and before the torturers are done with you, you’ll tell us what we want to know.
H.B.: If you’re so sure of that why did you offer me a deal?
S.J.: Because it would save us time. But in the end we’ll know what we want to know and you’ll die knowing that you betrayed your countrymen and your God. Guard, come and let me out.
Act III. Scene 2.
The new headquarters of the White Underground. Two men, one man is Morgan, one man is George Cox, an assistant of Herb Broadhurst, are bent over a lot of papers spread all over a table. Father Bontini is also present as well as Ted Stevens, the head of the Underground’s security forces.
Morgan [to Cox]: Are you sure about this?
Cox: I’m absolutely sure.
Morgan: Does Herb know about this?
Cox: I don’t think he does. He took a good deal of the archival information with him when he left the liberals, but there were reams of information he never got around to looking through. This map was one of those pieces of information.
Morgan: How did you discover it?
Cox [laughing]: I have practically lived in the archives ever since Herb defected to us. And I made sure all the documents came with me when we made our headquarters.
Morgan: That map you dug up shows that there are underground tunnels that take us right to the main prison cells.
Cox: Yes, they were built back in the 1950s during the Cold War between the Americans and the Russians. They were supposed to provide an escape route for the senators and congressmen in case of an attack on the capitol.
Morgan: Do you think the current government is aware of the tunnels?
Cox: That isn’t very likely since they shunned the archives.
Father Bontini: If you manage to get Herb out, how will you stop the liberals’ pursuit?
Morgan: We’ll blow up the tunnels.
Ted Stevens: How many men will you require?
Morgan: Besides myself I thought I’d just take two men.
Stevens: Will that be enough?
Morgan: It should be. This is not an invasion, it’s a rescue; too many men would just muck up the rescue.
Father Bontini: It’s a shame that Sister Jacqueline won’t be there when you release Herb Broadhurst. I’d like to see the look on her face.
Morgan: I have other plans for Sister Jacqueline.
Father Bontini: Oh?
Morgan: She has been tried and convicted of the murder of David Halfaway. Once Herb is on his way back to our headquarters, I plan to linger in D.C. and attend to a little business there. Now, [looking toward Ted Stevens] let’s get started.
Act IV. Scene 1.
Even though it was across an ocean, the news that Herb Broadhurst had been rescued by the White Underground and Sister Jacqueline had been hanged by the neck until dead from her apartment window sent shock waves through the Vatican. What if the white Christians in Britain tried to rescue Johnny? The security troops were increased tenfold in the anticipation of an attack from the white Christians of Britain or some remnant band of white Christians lurking in Italy.
On the day of the trial, Johnny was carried into the courtroom in a cage and then he was released from the cage and chained to an iron chair in front of the Judge’s throne. Pope Francis II was to preside over the trial. All the cardinals, bishops, and the lesser clerical orders, the white clergy, proceeded to the front of the church and kissed the feet of a gigantic statue of a sacred negro. The black clergymen did not kiss the feet of the black figure; they extended their rings for the white clergy to kiss. Pope Francis also kissed the feet of the sacred negro statue, before extending his ring to the faithful. That ceremony was intended to show the Pope’s dependence on the sacred negro. His rule was in the name of the sacred negro. Once everyone was seated, the “trial” began. Johnny had no defense lawyer. There was only a prosecuting attorney.
Prosecutor: You are charged with the murder of a priest in the one Holy African Catholic Church. How do you plead?
Johnny: I am not guilty of that priest’s murder. He tried to murder me –
Prosecutor: Silence, I only asked you for your plea, not for an explanation. Now, let me state the case. This little fiend waited in the church for Father O’Connell, a venerable, enfeebled old man, who always adhered to the precepts of the Holy African Catholic Church, and this little fiend leaped on Father O’Connell and stabbed him twenty two times with a knife. Such a sadistic act must receive the greatest penalty – torture and death.
Pope Francis [addressing Johnny]: Now you may speak in your own defense.
Johnny: “Roses bloom and cease to be, but we the Christ Child shall see.”
Pope Francis: Gag the prisoner, this court will not listen to such blasphemy. [Johnny is gagged.] Now, I shall pronounce sentence. You shall be roasted alive, every inch of your skin shall be expertly burned from your body and when that process is finished you shall be killed. So die all heretics.
[After the sentence of the court is pronounced, there is a voice that rings throughout the cathedral/courtroom, “In the name of Christ.” Then darkness descends over the church.]
Act IV. Scene 2.
The new headquarters of the American White Underground.
Herb Broadhurst: I didn’t know about the underground tunnels to the prison.
Morgan: Neither did Sister Jacqueline and her cohorts.
Herb: I should have known about them; after all, I was the archivist.
Morgan: No one can read all of the archives. Thank goodness for George Cox.
Herb: Yes.
Morgan: And here is a piece of news that should interest you; it’s hot off the press, so to speak. George gave me a copy of it this morning.
Herb: What is it?
Morgan: It tells us about the trial.
Herb: Johnny’s trial?
Morgan: Yes.
Herb: What happened?
Morgan [handing him the paper]: Read it for yourself; it’s an article from the Vatican press.
Herb [he reads]: “A horrendously tragic event occurred yesterday afternoon in the cathedral. That hideous young murderer, one Johnny Winslow , was being tried for the murder of a priest in the African Catholic Church. After he was sentenced to death, darkness suddenly descended over the church. Whether is was a massive electrical failure or something else, some other phenomenon, has not been determined. But right before the blackout one hideous voice was heard uttering unspeakable blasphemies against our sacred religion. When light returned to the cathedral, Pope Francis was found dead, his neck had been broken, and the prisoner was gone. In addition, the altar of the sacred negro had been pulled down. There was only one voice heard in the church, but it doesn’t seem possible that the altar, weighing over 2,000 lbs., could have been pulled down by one man. So it must have been the work of many men, men who disguised themselves as clergymen. Then again, there are some who have suggested that it was the work of one man. We will no soil the pages of this paper by mentioning his name. The end result of this terrible, terrible tragedy is that Johnny Winslow is free and our Holy Pope is dead. The cardinals have already gathered together to pick a new Pope.”
Morgan: I don’t suppose I have to tell you who that one man was.
Herb: No, you don’t. Is Johnny all right?
Morgan: Yes, he is safe now; he is in Christian Britain. When Rev. Grey thinks he is ready, he will bring him back home.
Herb: Have they selected the new Pope yet?
Morgan: Yes, they have. They’ve selected a mulatto named Kenneth Jennifer McFadden as their new Pope or Popess, I don’t know what else to call him or her.
Herb: Is he a transgender creature?
Morgan: Yes. And he/she has declared war on Christian Britain.
Herb: Isn’t the Vatican always at war with Christian Britain?
Morgan: Yes, but this time he/she plans an outright invasion in retaliation for the murder of the Pope.
Herb: It wasn’t murder, it was a just execution.
Morgan: Of course it was. But that is not the way the liberals look on it. And Kenneth-Jennifer wants to show his/her toughness.
Herb: Will there be a nuclear strike?
Morgan: No, the High Caliph of Moslem Britain has nixed a nuclear strike. He is afraid the radioactive fallout will affect his nation. And besides that, he has maintained a peaceful neutrality with Christian Britain because of what Christopher Grey did during the plague in his country.
Herb: Then what kind of invasion will Kenneth-Jennifer launch?
Morgan: A naval invasion.
Herb: That would be insanity; King Arthur has rebuilt the British navy back to its glory days. They’ll destroy any navy sent against them.
Morgan: That is quite likely.
Herb [laughing]: ‘Tis a consummation most devoutly to be wished for.
Morgan: Yes indeed.
Act IV. Scene 3.
Five days after what is now called the naval battle in defense of the New Britain. The battle took place in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of what was once called Wales. King Arthur and Christopher Grey are talking in their headquarters at Tintagel.
King Arthur: Our Lord was good to us. We had many wounded but no deaths, and we completely destroyed the Vatican’s fleet.
Rev. Grey: There were a lot of liberals who went to their deaths?
King Arthur: Yes, there were. It couldn’t be helped. We provided life rafts for as many survivors as we could, and most of them made it back to Italy, but still thousands of Vatican sailors lost their lives.
Rev. Grey: As you say, it couldn’t be helped. What happened to Kenneth-Jennifer; I know he/she planned on leading the attack from the Vatican’s prize battleship?
King Arthur: He was killed in the first exchange of gunfire. His/her reign was probably the shortest reign in the history of the church.
Rev. Grey: I don’t suppose the next Pope will be any better.
King Arthur: No, I don’t suppose so either. But I doubt that he’ll launch another naval invasion.
Rev. Grey: Not right away.
King Arthur: How is Johnny doing?
Rev. Grey: Remarkably well, considering what he has gone through. He is being treated like royalty here in Britain, but it has not gone to his head.
King Arthur: He is a very, how shall I say it? – He is a Christ centered young boy.
Rev. Grey: His life thus far is a miracle of God’s grace. He was born in an extermination camp where white boys are kept alive to see if they have any scientific aptitude. And when they didn’t, they are killed by age 12. They are given an education because they might become scientists who serve Liberaldom, but that education is entirely liberal, nothing from Christian Europe is allowed into their head or heart.
King Arthur: That sounds a lot like my education.
Rev. Grey: Yes, only by Johnny’s time the education process was more advanced. You had almost nothing from Christian Europe in your education; Jonny had absolutely nothing. But somehow, one suspects an angelic presence, Johnny got hold of a book of fairy tales written by Hans Christian Andersen. And through those fairy tales he was exposed to the word made flesh. He has clung to the Savior ever since that time. I honor him and I love him for his fidelity to the Suffering Servant.
King Arthur: He has suffered a lot in his nine years, much too much for one so young.
Rev. Grey: Yes, he has. But that is the essence of the liberals’ reign of terror. They want to destroy the Christ bearing race through the torture, degradation, and murder of children and childhood. They take seriously, even though most of them no longer read the Bible, Christ’s injunction that the good Christian must have a faith like unto that of a little child. If there is no childhood, a childhood nurtured by His love, than there shall be no faith. That is the reasoning of the liberals! It is inspired by Satan and it has been incredibly effective. But there are miracles of grace, like Johnny, who break away from the liberals’ stronghold and find Christ.
King Arthur: Yes, there are still, even within the walls of Liberaldom, miracles of God’s grace.
Rev. Grey: There always shall be, but we are called, as Christians, to build Christian nations that nourish the word made flesh. We are part of a line that goes all the way back to the Child in the manger. When the liberals made their final push for world dominance in the 2020s and 2030s, small Christian nations, like we have here, started to form. We must continue to rebuild Christendom. It won’t be like it once was; quite possibly the liberals’ culture will always be the dominant culture throughout most of the world, but for charity’s sake, that charity of honor, we must maintain our Christian nations in defiance of Liberaldom.
King Arthur: What you say about the murder of childhood is true. In Britain, when I was growing up, it started with the murder of the babies in the womb, and the children that were allowed to live, as I was, were indoctrinated by a liberal hierarchy, a hierarchy of which I was an integral part.
Rev. Grey: Yes, it’s true that the British monarchy was used to serve Liberaldom, but the monarchy also represented a line, a Christian bloodline, that had to be eliminated. That is why the Moslems attempted to destroy that bloodline. And you are right, the liberals must always control procreation and they must always take control of the education of children; that is how they maintain their power. That is why Johnny Winslow became such an obsession with the liberals. How could a child rebel against the liberal state? It was unheard of.
King Arthur: And the liberals’ hatred for Johnny Winslow and your rescue of him made them launch that insane naval attack?
Rev. Grey: Yes.
King Arthur: I’d like to finish them in one great battle, but I don’t suppose that is possible right now.
Rev. Grey: No, it isn’t, but the desire does you credit.
[Johnny enters the room.]
Rev. Grey: Did you get some breakfast?
Johnny: Yes, that nice lady cooked me some eggs and bacon. I never had eggs and bacon when I was in the extermination camp. I think it’s the best food in the world.
King Arthur: You won’t get any arguments from me on that score.
Johnny: Is it wrong to like food so much?
Rev. Grey [laughing]: No, it isn’t, Johnny. You’re a long way from gluttony; in fact, you have some catching up to do. Last night, you wanted to tell me about a dream you had the night you were in the Vatican prison, but I stopped you because I wanted you to go to sleep. But if you still remember it and want to recount it now, before King Arthur and myself, this might be a good time.
Johnny: I’ll never forget that dream. Do you think God speaks to us in dreams? I know I’d like to think He does.
Rev. Grey: We know from the Bible that God does sometimes speak to us in dreams, Johnny. But it is often very difficult for men to know what is from God. Most of the time it is best not to rely too heavily on dreams.
Johnny: But this dream seemed so real, it brought me great comfort.
Rev. Grey: I’d like to hear it.
King Arthur: So would I.
Act IV. Scene 4. Johnny’s Dream.
[Here the story ends…]