We must have leaders. If none will undertake to lead us right, we shall find guides who will undertake to conduct us to shame and ruin. – Burke Letters on a Regicide Peace
Two opponents of the French Revolution, Burke and Taine, made similar observations about the mindset of the French clergy at the time of the French Revolution. First Burke and then Taine, some eighty years later, noted that the French clergy had made the French people incapable of summoning up the spiritual fortitude necessary to defend their nation against the Jacobins. By emphasizing loyalty to their particular sect of the European Church rather than faith in Christ, the French clergy turned a living faith into mere obedience to a dead letter legalistic system.
Burke: “I have no doubt that some miserable bigots will be found here, as well as elsewhere, who hate sects and parties different from their own, more than they love the substance of religion; and who are more angry with those who differ from them in their particular plans and systems, than displeased with those who attack the foundation of our common hope. These men will write and speak on the subject in the manner that is to be expected from their temper and character. Burnet says that when he was in France, in the year 1683, ‘the method which carried over the men of the finest parts to Popery was this – they brought themselves to doubt of the whole Christian religion. When that was once done, it seemed a more indifferent thing of what side or form they continued outwardly.’ If this was then the ecclesiastical policy of France, it is what they have since but too much reason to repent of. They preferred atheism to a form of religion not agreeable to their ideas. They succeeded in destroying that form; and atheism has succeeded in destroying them. I can readily give credit to Burnet’s story; because I have observed too much of a similar spirit (for a little of it is ‘much too much’) amongst ourselves.”
Taine: “Unfortunately, the Assembly, in this as in other matters, being preoccupied with principles, fails to look at practical facts, and, aiming to remove only the dead bark, it injures the living trunk. For many centuries, and especially since the Council of Trent, the vigorous element of Catholicism is much less religion itself than the Church. Theology retires into the background, while discipline has come to the front. Believers who, according to Church law, are required to regard spiritual authority as dogma, in fact attach their faith to the authority much more than to the dogma.”
This inability to distinguish between the kitchen work of the faith and the faith itself goes all the way back to Martha and Mary.
But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore that she help me.
And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.
Christ’s rebuke is mild and we have no doubt that Martha heeded His rebuke. But what happens when Christ’s rebuke is not heeded? What happens when “that good part” is left out of the church? The French Revolution was and is emblematic of what happens when that good part no longer plays a vital role in the life of the European people. A large segment of people, the Jacobins, go whoring after other gods. In the case of the Jacobins, they turned a whore into the goddess of reason while the modern liberals have turned to the negro. The more conservative element stays within the confines of traditional, outward Christianity, but they have no vital force to resist the passionate intensity of the liberal Jacobin types because their faith is lukewarm: it consists of a belief in systems rather than the living God.
The French quagmire of a passionate, anti-Christian minority and a dull, easily led lukewarm majority that has been spiritually neutered by systems-analysis Christianity is the quagmire of the modern Europeans. Passion, not numbers, determines history. This is why opinion polls are so misleading. A pollster might claim that 51% of the people are against abortion, but are any of the 51% as passionately against abortion as the liberals are passionately for it? It’s the same with the colored invasion of Europe. A majority of Europeans would rather not be invaded, but are there any of those Europeans who feel passionately enough about the invasion of their nation and the murder of their people to counter the liberals’ passionate hatred of the European people with their own passionate love of the European people? And how can that love be engendered if the European has renounced his own hearth fire and the God of that hearth fire? A cold system is no substitute for the living God. Negro worship, which entails the liquidation of the white race, will be the ruling credo in European nations so long as Christ lies buried beneath a mountain of Christian systems.
Within the European fold were two faiths. The first faith, the true faith, was the European hearth fire faith. This faith was passed on from generation to generation by people who chose “that good part.” The Europeans believed in Christ because they knew Him through the people who loved Him. A mere intellectual description of Christ’s attributes would not have convinced the Europeans of His divinity or His humanity. There were and are plenty of false “God stories.” We know the Christ story is true, because it has touched our hearts, through a sympathetic, loving connection to His people.
The second faith is the faith that turns to ashes as soon as it leaves the brains of the experts. An intellectual faith, the faith in man-made systems, has no life blood. It’s a severed limb of a faith that leaves its adherents naked and defenseless before the relentless passionate intensity of the liberals and the blood-thirsty ferocity of the colored barbarians.
The neopagans solve the Christian dilemma by attempting to eliminate Christianity from the European’s future. They, like the liberals, look to a Christ-less future. The only difference between the two camps is that the neopagans want white people to be part of the Christ-less future. But what kind of future is possible for a people who deny their past and run from the living God? Rather than go down that vile neopagan road, why not go the way of the antique Europeans, rejecting liberalism and the mind-forged Christianity that leaves a man defenseless against liberalism?
Let’s look at what happens to an intrepid heart who goes the way of the systems-analysis Christianity: take a young Roman Catholic, for example. He grows up under a system in which the Pope gives out marching orders to the Bishops, who in turn give out the marching orders to the parish priests, and they in their turn tell the laity what to do. We’re assuming our young man does not want to be a liberal, which means he plans on adhering to the rules of the Roman Catholic system. He respects authority and has no intention of being more Catholic than the Pope. What happens then, when the young man’s Pope becomes a negro worshipper? The young man might become an adherent to a traditionalist sect that has its own system in competition with the Pope, he might become a negro worshipper like the Pope, he might become a neopagan, or, most likely, he will simply become a divided hodgepodge of a man, lacking a firm faith because he has no people. Oh yes! The two are linked. A man with no racial nation will not feel connected to the God of his ascending race. When Walter Scott wrote, “Breathes there the man, with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, This is my own, my native land,” he was not talking about geography. He was talking about a spirit and blood connection to one’s people, one’s kith and kin. And what is more, he was talking especially about European people whose hearth fires were warmed by the Son of God.
The Protestant youth who is enslaved by the negro worshipping experts’ formulaic rules concerning the “born again” experience or the proper forms of church government is in the same rocky boat as the Roman Catholic youth. Faith will return to both individuals when they love their God in and through their own people. Loving your own and forsaking all others does not mean you hate all others any more than loving his wife and forsaking all other women means a man hates all other women. What it means is that you cherish the channels of grace that God has provided for you.
When a man breaks free of systems-analysis Christianity, he will feel as the blind man in the Gospels felt when he regained his sight. He will see who it is who makes the blind to see and the lame to walk. And his heart will be drawn to that Man of Sorrows, who presides over the hearth fires of the antique Europeans. Then when he reads about the torture murders of his people, he will wake from his spiritual stupor and he will fight for his people. And no wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing clergyman will say him nay.
Such a reawakening of the European people seems like an impossibility. But aren’t we told in the Scriptures that a people who believe in Christ shall dream dreams and see visions? The dream and the vision are father to the deed. The people whose dreams and visions are focused on Christ shall not permit their world to be polluted by satanic liberals and murderous colored heathens.
In the old nursery rhyme, Thursday’s child has far to go. The modern European is Thursday’s child. But his “far to go” is not into the Christ-less future envisioned by the negro worshipping liberals and the technocratic neopagans. The European must go far back into his past and find that which is lost – a way of living and loving that set the Europeans apart from all other people. The Europeans must once again go and discover what Christ meant when He said, “They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. But go ye and learn what that meaneth. I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” The ancient Europeans were integral, whole human beings, which is not to say they were perfect. They believed in real actual sins, not make believe sins such as “racism.” And they believed in a real Savior who could forgive them their sins, in contrast to the modern liberals who believe that if they sacrifice enough white people to their black gods, their gods will be merciful and forgive them their sin of racism. Of course such an absolution will never take place because the black gods do not have any mercy, they only understand sacrifice.
A long line of managerial experts have told us that systems about God are more important than God Himself. And what has been the result? The liberals who worship the negro and passionately hate the white man rule, while the colored barbarians have free license to murder, rape, and pillage in the nations that were once the citadels of the white race. No white man will say, “Stop, this must not go on,” because the white man has no passion for the good to counter the liberals’ and the colored barbarians’ passion for evil. When Thursday’s child goes back to his racial hearth fire, he will discover that he has the spirit and the will to fight for his people and his God. Having rediscovered the difference between sacrifice and mercy, he will be a whole man again, a man who does not accept the rule of liberals and the barbarities of the colored heathens.
First and foremost the black fiend who tortured and murdered Jonathan Foster is responsible for his murder. But we all, we Europeans, share in that murder. We have allowed the systems-minded men to overrule our passion to protect and defend our own people. “Mustn’t be violent, mustn’t be prejudiced!” We must leave such evil counselors behind. Let us once again act as whole men, fearing nothing but dishonor and wanting nothing more from life than to serve our people and our God with that charity of honor that is the mark of the true European. +