Be Ye Steadfast and Unmovable

“I can live no longer by thinking.”

– Orlando, As You Like It


“Let us leave the liberals and the neo-pagans at the stream of unreality and look at the reality. The white man’s racial anemia has one source: his lack of faith in Jesus Christ. Any white Christian who thinks that he can cure white racial anemia through alliances with pragmatic, ‘Let’s leave religion out of the picture’ conservatives, or openly ‘hostile to Christianity’ neo-pagans is deluded. The only cure for a disease that stems from a lack of faith is faith. But of course neither I nor any other Christian European can make the modern European believe, as his ancestors once believed, in the God-Man, Jesus Christ. The Christian faith is not a suit of armor that can be used for the utilitarian purpose of fending off the barbarians and then discarded when the barbarian threat is gone. It is all or nothing. Either we believe in the white Christ and fight for His Europe, or we perish.” – CWNY


Much has been written about the horrors of the 20th century phenomenon of total war, war on a scale that prior to the 20th century had only been depicted in nightmarish works of science fiction. And much has been written about the gulags and concentration camps of the 20th century, but there has been very little written about the revolt of the white intelligentsia against their own people. There has been very little written about that revolt because the intelligentsia are the people who do the writing about wars, concentration camps, and revolts. Why should they blow the whistle on themselves? They never do. 

When I speak of the intelligentsia I do not necessarily refer to people with intelligence. I refer to writers, clergy, university professors, and journalists, men who make their living, or aspire to make their living, by the use of their intellects. This highly influential group of individuals have, for the past 60 years at least, been consistently hostile to the people of the white race. Whatever is good for the white race has been opposed by the white intelligentsia, and whatever is bad for the white race has been supported by the white intelligentsia. 

We do not observe this strange phenomenon within the intelligentsia of the various colored tribes. The intellectuals of the colored tribes all support the aspirations of their own people. And of course it is liberalism that has made the white intelligentsia turn against the white race. But from whence comes liberalism? And why is it a whites-only ideology? Liberalism stems from bastardized Christianity, and only the white race, with surprisingly few exceptions, has a history of adherence to the major tenets of the Christian faith. It’s ironic that a people who once espoused a belief in the God-Man should end up believing that the black man is god. 

There is no white Christian opposition to the white intelligentsia’s belief that the extermination of the white race, through miscegenation and tribal murder, is mandated by the nebulous evolutionary god of the liberals. All true Christians, as defined by the white intelligentsia, desire the extermination of the white race. This is the unquestioned doctrine of the white elite, be they professed liberals or professed Christians. The only segment of the white intelligentsia that does not believe that the white race should be exterminated is the numerically small group of men called the neo-pagans. It’s tempting, if one is a white Christian who does not believe that Christ mandated the extermination of the white race, to hitch one’s wagon to the neo-pagans’ cart. But they represent a more dangerous enemy than the liberals because their heretical beliefs are closer to the truth, and therefore harder to detect, than the liberals’ beliefs. 

The liberal thinks the white man, prior to the 20th century, was guilty of forcing a false Christianity on mankind. “Christ was not the Son of God; he was a precursor of Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., who lived and died to make all men into wine-and-cheese-party liberals; and the pre-20th century Europeans had perverted Christ’s teachings and made Him into a hideous god who supported racism and sexism.” Such is the credo of the liberals. The neo-pagan agrees with the liberal on the issue of the pre-20th century Europeans. “Yes, they did create a false Christianity. Christ really was just who the liberals say he was; a regular human being, not a god, who was a forerunner of Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.” But then the liberal and the neo-pagan diverge. The neo-pagan admires the creativity of the older Europeans. He likes the “racist” Christianity of the older Europeans, albeit he thinks they were rather stupid to believe in the Christian fairy-tale. The older neo-pagans, most of whom have left this world, talk about “our Greco-Roman, Saxon, Celtic, Christian heritage” so as not to offend some older Christians who might join with the neo-pagans against the Jewish cabal and the colored hordes, but at bottom the neo-pagan creed is a Nietzschean creed of despair. “Christ be not Risen; look to the coming of the white Übermensch.” 

Obviously, the new breed neo-pagans are not Nietzscheans – most haven’t even heard of him. But they are like him in that they look to the future, to the technological white-man with a superior intellect who sees life outside the old perimeters of good and evil. And because they, like the liberal, look to a future where the older European Christianity is of no consequence the neo-pagan has become, over the last thirty years, more and more conciliatory toward the liberals. In fact the criticism of liberals has virtually stopped in the pagan-nationalist publications. They criticize the Jews, but not the liberals. The worst they ever do is reprimand the liberals for not seeing that “we really don’t hate blacks; we are really non-violent, and we really and truly respect all cultures and all people.” 

It is liberalism not Judaism that has destroyed the white man. The neo-pagans don’t seem to realize that the Europeans, when they were believing Christians, took measures to protect themselves from the Jews. Now, having lost their faith, the Europeans are at the mercy of the Jews. But the neo-pagans cannot supply the European people with the only weapon, faith in Christ, that has proven effective against the Jews. Great passions determine the course of history; without the passion supplied by Christ’s passion the European can never resist Judaism or multicultural liberalism. 

I’ve noticed in some thirty years of reading the nationalist publications that despite their great differences with the liberals on a host of issues, they are in agreement with them on the one essential issue. Both groups think that the findings of modern science necessitate a revision of the Christ story. The liberal makes Him a superior human being, a forerunner of their modern heroes, and the neo-pagan makes Him a creation of the European’s mind. On the great issue of the 20th and 21st century, faith vs. science, both the liberal and the neo-pagan have sided with science. But the liberal has been infinitely more successful than the neo-pagan. Why? Because men need an object to worship; science alone is an insufficient god for the great mass of humanity. The liberal has given his adherents the negro to worship while the neo-pagan can only offer his sterile condemnation of unfair and unjust discrimination against white people. But the liberal will not listen to such condemnations. How can mere mortals criticize gods? And why should a people who have rejected Christ for the negro concern themselves with fairness and justice? While the liberal looks to a future of science and the negro, the neo-pagan looks only to a future of science and his white genes. The liberal will always win that contest. 

What is needed, if someone could be found who believed it to be true, is a defense of the white man that takes into account man’s spiritual nature as well as his physical nature. We have seen enough of I.Q. tests and standardized intelligence tests cited to prove the superior intelligence (and by doing so demonstrating his right to live) of the white man. What we do not see cited is the European’s witness to the truth. He was the poet laureate who took the airy nothing of the Greek philosophers and scientists and gave it a local habitation and a name: Jesus of Nazareth. 

The European Christ-bearer has become a Pontius Pilate, looking Christ right in the face and asking Him, “What is truth?” Is truth to be found in the collective face of the black race? Is it to be found in our white genes? Faith in a man who purported to be both man and God is difficult, but doesn’t the history of our own people point to the truth of the Christ story? The modern church men have retained the name Christian, but they have not retained the Christian faith. When they severed their ties to their people and their people’s God, in the name of a purified, intellectual Christianity, they turned from the living God of charity and mercy to an abstract generic black god of merciless cruelty. 

Throughout the history of organized European Christianity it has always been the clergy, the intellectual elite, who initiated the great heresies. And the European people, thinking with their hearts, always served as a counterpoise to the intellectuals. I have often wondered if the Europeans’ instinct to preserve their faith when it was attacked by the intellectuals was an instinct bred in the blood and bone of the Europeans long before the coming of Christ. Could it be that from the beginning of time God was preparing them to be the Christ-bearers? Why were they so intensely monogamous even in their pagan days? And why did the Europeans never practice cannibalism as the colored tribes did and still do? The Europeans were always the poetic race. The things of the spirit were first with them. When they heard the word of God they wept and believed because they had an instinct for the true God. And through the Christian centuries of Europe, it has always been the European people, not the scholarly elites, who have kept the faith, because the scholarly elites want to create an inhuman abstract god while the European people want a God that they can worship in spirit and in truth. 

Why the breakdown in the 20th century? Why did the Europeans become a non-people? It was because Satan extended the franchise. Intellectual stupidity became democratized. “You are all intellectuals now,” Satan declared, “You are all too smart to believe in a fairy tale. Look to science, look to the negro – there is your true home and your true god.” 

I’ve always considered Herman Melville’s character Bulkington, who appears briefly in Moby Dick, as the true European:

When on that shivering winter’s night, the Pequod thrust her vindictive bows into the cold malicious waves, who should I see standing at her helm but Bulkington! I looked with sympathetic awe and fearfulness upon the man, who in mid-winter just landed from a four years’ dangerous voyage, could so unrestingly push off again for still another tempestuous term. The land seemed scorching to his feet. Wonderfullest things are ever the unmentionable; deep memories yield no epitaphs; this six-inch chapter is the stoneless grave of Bulkington. Let me only say that it fared with him as with the storm-tossed ship, that miserably drives along the leeward land. The port would fain give succor; the port is pitiful; in the port is safety, comfort, hearthstone, supper, warm blankets, friends, all that’s kind to our mortalities. But in that gale, the port, the land, is that ship’s direst jeopardy; she must fly all hospitality; one touch of land, though it but graze the keel, would make her shudder through and through. With all her might she crowds all sail off shore; in so doing, fights ‘gainst the very winds that fain would blow her homeward; seeks all the lashed sea’s landlessness again; for refuge’s sake forlornly rushing into peril; her only friend her bitterest foe!…

But as in landlessness alone resides highest truth, shoreless, indefinite as God–so, better is it to perish in that howling infinite, than be ingloriously dashed upon the lee, even if that were safety! For worm-like, then, oh! who would craven crawl to land! Terrors of the terrible! is all this agony so vain? Take heart, take heart, O Bulkington! Bear thee grimly, demigod! Up from the spray of thy ocean-perishing–straight up, leaps thy apotheosis!

The material world that the European Bulkington refused to have anything to do with has so encroached on the spiritual world that the Europeans have ceased to be European. It was and is their task to champion the things of the spirit and to hold Christ’s banner aloft as a sign of contradiction to the colored people wallowing in the slime pits of heathenism. If the European will not do what he was born to do, champion Christ, no one will. The colored tribesmen will not pick up the European banner; they will simply go on being heathens while absorbing the white man into their formless, inanimate mass of diversity. The coward always defends the wall of the fort where the enemy is certain not to attack, and he runs from the wall where the battle rageth. The modern halfway-house Christians who never talk about defending the white race, unless they talk about the immorality of defending the white race, are not Christians. They are in the transition stage from Christian to liberal. Soon they will get their pilot’s license and fly with the liberals into diversity land. 

The rationalist solutions to life seem, on the surface, to be the best solutions: “All races are the same…. Skin color is just pigmentation… We know God through the rational computations of our brains…” But what if the current of our life does not fit into rational channels? What if our life is an ocean of passions and visions? When Theseus, the rational Athenian, comes upon the young lovers in the enchanted woods he expresses his distrust of their irrational path to the truth:

I never may believe
These antick fables nor these fairy toys.
Lovers and madmen have such seething brains,
Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend
More than cool reason ever comprehends.

The passion that comprehends more than cool reason can lead a man over a cliff or it can bring him to the gates of heaven. But passion cannot be taken out of the mortal’s life, because a man’s passion is his life. Without it he can never understand Christ’s passion. Note Hippolyta’s rejoinder to Theseus:

But all the story of the night told over,
And all their minds transfigured so together,
More witnesseth than fancy’s images,
And grows to something of great constancy;
But, howsoever, strange and admirable.

Yes, the Europeans’ story told over is the story of their night in the enchanted woods with Christ, the King of Fairyland. The European believed in the “antick fable” of Christ the Lord, and that passionate, heartfelt belief set him apart from the colored races. Wherever a passion for the antick fable endures there is Europe. Kipling expressed the sentiment so well: “So long as the blood endures.” That is all that matters. Numbers are of no significance. So long as a few Europeans stay true to their blood, His Europe will endure. +

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