
Whether unto grace or guilt, all must live through Him,
Live in vital joy, or live in dying woe:
Death in Adam, life in Christ; the curse hung upon the cross:
Who art thou that heedest of redemption, as narrower than the fall:
All were dead,–He died for all; that living, they might love:
If living souls withhold their love,–still, He hath died for them.
Eve stole the knowledge; Christ gave the life:
Knowledge and life are the perquisites of soul, the privilege of man:
Mercy stepped between, and stayed the double theft;
God gave; and giving, bought; and buying, asketh love:
And in such asking rendereth bliss, to all that hear and answer,
For love with life is heaven; and life unloving, hell.
-Martin Farquhar Tupper
We cannot understand the European people outside of their Christian history. Many modern conservatives have suggested we do so, that we treat the European people as a generic people who can be studied and probed in order to be cured, without ever considering their past history. But this is akin to the doctor who treats a patient for an illness without taking the patient’s medical history into account. We must take the European people’s Christian past into account if we are going to effectively eliminate the wasting disease, the disease of liberalism, which is killing them.
Satan countered God’s creation of man with a successful coup d’état in the Garden of Eden. He appealed to Adam and Eve’s pride of intellect in order to get them to renounce their filial relationship with God. They were told to forget the fairy tale about the tree with the forbidden fruit and embrace the reality of man’s intellect responding to and controlling cosmic nature. That coup d’état of Satan was countered by the incarnation of Christ, His subsequent death on the cross, and His resurrection from the dead. If you are Satan, how do you nullify Christ’s divine act of mercy? You do what you did before, you appeal to man’s pride of intellect.
The man who worships his own intellect has no room in his heart for the living God. Upon that principle, Satan has built his church, and he maintains that church by continually denigrating all human feelings that reside in the human heart. When we understand this stratagem of the devil, we can understand why the scholastic movement, the scientific study of God, is from the devil. The humane God, the living God who took flesh and dwelt among us, can only be known through the human heart. When the Catholic and the Protestant scholastics demonized the human heart in order to deify their intellects, they cut the European people off from God. We, like the Ancient Mariner, were cut adrift from the font of love:
Alone on a wide, wide sea,
So lonely ‘twas that God himself
Scarce seemed there to be.
Pope Francis the blasphemer was recently reported as saying that Jesus Christ was not the Son of God. You can dismiss Pope Francis as an isolated madman who doesn’t know what he is saying, but I do not see isolated madness in Pope Francis; I see the logical, maniacal, satanic madness of our age behind the anti-Christian ravings of Francis the blasphemer. What is the essence of our modern civilization? It is the pride of intellect, or to be more accurate, it is the pride of science. If you believe in the Christ story in its entirety – the creation of the world in seven days, the creation of man in the image of God, man’s fall from grace in the Garden of Eden, and Christ’s mission of divine mercy that was completed when He rose from the dead on the third day – you place yourself among the stupid people, the unscientific people who believe in fairy tales. Balzac summed up the essence of modernity when he remarked that, “In Paris if you tell a man he has a good heart, it is the same as telling him he is as stupid as a rhinoceros.” Yes, that expresses the issue quite succinctly. The antique Europeans, when viewed scientifically, are stupid. They believed, quite literally, in the Christ story.
The liberals’ worship of the negro is not based on a belief in the intrinsic worth of individual members of that race. In fact any time a person of color demonstrates a sympathy for the intrinsic moral value of the white people’s ancient civilization, he is condemned by the liberals. What the liberals worship when they worship the blacks is their own intellects. They are proving their superior ‘intelligence’ by worshipping that which is antithetical to the older, ‘stupid’ civilization of the white Europeans; they have made what is natural, the noble savage, their God. In their natural religion, racism, which is really white pietas, has become synonymous with stupidity. And who among us wants to be regarded as stupid? Isn’t intelligence the sign of our election? But what is the essence of our election? To what and to whom are we connected when we enter the ranks of the illuminated men of intellect who have rejected the living God? We are connected to the liberals’ world, which is without faith, hope, and charity, and we are united to him whom the liberals serve – the proud angel of science, Lucifer.
When we reject the stupid and unscientific faith of the antique Europeans, we are back with the Athenians whom St. Paul confronted. They were men who “spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing.” They considered themselves to be the illuminati, the intelligent ones, yet St. Paul calls them ignorant:
Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars’ hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, To The Unknown God. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.
The modern Europeans have decided in favor of the ignorant Athenians; they have proclaimed their intelligence by rejecting the stupidity of St. Paul. Surely such intelligence makes the angels weep and places a sword in the heart of our Lord. But what is that to the liberals, who do not believe in the divine humanity of Jesus Christ?
A common theme in ‘Christian’ circles is to emphasize the similarities between Christianity and the other faiths such as Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. But those ‘faiths’ are non-faiths, based on a rejection of the living God. When ‘conservatives’ such as Peter Kreeft recommend that Christians unite with the Jews and Moslems against liberalism, they reveal their own non-faith. Liberalism is the synthesis of all the non-Christian faiths; what they have in common with liberalism, a hatred of the God who took human flesh, makes their devotees the kissing cousins of the liberals. They will never unite with a European Christian; it is only Christian apostates who can make common cause with the liberals and the heathen faiths. Of course they can only be called apostates from the standpoint of the antique Europeans. If they got it right, if the faith they held in their hearts was the true Gospel of Christ, then the modern Christians who seek to fuse Christ with science, democracy, Judaism, Islam, and negro worship are wrong.
St. Paul was and is the saint for all people, but he is most particularly the saint for the European people. He represents our people at their best, when they loved much and would not compromise on that which was essential – faith in Christ and Christ alone as our salvation. St. Paul was not a theologian, he was something far greater: he was a poet of the spirit. With a passion emanating from a heart on fire with the love of Christ, he preached before the Athenians, the Romans, and the Jews, that Jesus Christ was the Son of the living God. It was not St. Paul’s belief in God that made the Athenians laugh at him and the Romans and the Jews persecute him. All those pagans, even the Athenians, believed in some kind of God. It was Paul’s claim that Christ was the Son of God, which placed him at odds with the world. He found himself in the same position as Christ before the Sanhedrin, when Christ made it clear to Caiaphas that He was the Son of God. Was it madness that made Paul think he saw the risen Lord on the road to Damascus? Our people did not think so when they built a civilization based on St. Paul’s assertion that the folly of God was greater than the wisdom of men. And that really is the crux of the matter. Christ’s wisdom was not and is not the wisdom of this world. Faith in Him cannot be reconciled to any of the faiths – Judaism, Islam, or liberalism, which emanate from the natural world. Christ’s love passeth the understanding of any mind-forged system of men. But does His love passeth the understanding of the human heart? St. Paul enjoined us to search the Scriptures with our hearts because in that union, that of the Word made flesh with hearts of flesh, is the consummation devoutly to be wished, the consummation of Christ with His people.
The story of the European people is not finished. We now live in hell, but we can climb out of hell if we cease to fuse the gods of liberalism with Christ. That was the key to St. Paul’s strength of faith. He was not a fusionist. When I worked in academia, I took note of the fact that very, very few of the academicians attacked Christ directly. None, of course, believed He was the Son of God, but they left Him alone as a figure of hatred. Like Francis the blasphemer, they generally regarded Christ as a good guy. It was St. Paul who earned their wrath and their hatred. Paul did not say anything about Christ that Christ did not say of Himself, but somehow the liberal academics managed to dismiss Christ’s claim to be the Son of God as a later addition, an addition of St. Paul. Bless that unclubbable, unrelenting Apostle of Christ crucified, Christ risen! Our Apostle did not compromise with liberalism, and because he did not compromise, our people were able to know and love Christ. Why are we now too intelligent to believe in St. Paul’s vision of the risen Lord?
Four authors that I keep coming back to again and again for spiritual sustenance are William Shakespeare, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens, and Edmund Burke. I find in those authors the true Christian mysticism that St. Paul writes about in I Corinthians 13, “charity never faileth.” At the heart of our ancient civilization is that undefinable entity called charity. It was the belief of St. Paul that charity was the primary attribute of the God who took flesh and dwelt among us, and it was the belief of my people, the antique Europeans, that they were most like unto God when they practiced charity, not when they sought to rival God by out-thinking Him. The triumph of liberalism has resulted in the end of charity. Yes, we still have what are called ‘charitable institutions,’ but what the liberals call charity is not the charity that St. Paul spoke of. He spoke of Christ as the connection between human hearts and true charity. When our incarnate Lord is cast aside and what is inside the human heart is demonized, there can be no genuine charity. In fact, what is charitable becomes satanic. It is now ‘charitable’ to kill babies in the womb lest a young woman’s life becomes damaged due to an unwanted pregnancy. And it is now ‘charitable’ to stand by while the creatures of color from without and within the white nations murder, rape, and assault white people. Never mistake His reign of charity for their reign of Satan.
St. Augustine placed a wedge between Christ and his people when he declared that there was the city of God, which was the church of enlightened minds, and there was the city of man, which consisted of the barbarians from the fens and bogs of Europe. But is St. Augustine’s church the Church? Those ‘barbarous’ Europeans took Christ into their hearts and made Him the Alpha and Omega of their civilization. Throughout the Christian centuries of European history, the theologians have clung to the Augustinian view of the church. “The hearts of the faithful are sinful, but the minds of the theologians are pure. Isn’t that obvious?” No, it is not obvious to me. The theologians’ focus has been on the sins of the Europeans, which are no different than the sins of the pagans; therefore, the theologians tell us, we must look to them to escape the desolation of sin and destruction. But there is something different about the Christian Europeans which is quite obvious to those who see through, not with the eye. The Europeans had, when they were a Christian people, that which no other people before or since have possessed. They had the faith, hope, and above all, charity, that comes from touching the heart of God. You can’t acquire that faith, hope, and charity by thinking ‘correctly,’ in the mode of Aristotle and Plato. You can only come to that inner vision, that faith, by committing to the heart of God as St. Paul did and our people, the ancient Europeans, did. The theologians and the philosophers of the West, as Fitzhugh tells us, have been “so busy with the worst features of human nature (the Europeans’ human nature) that they have not even found a name for their better feature.” The managerial Christians of yesterday and today have taken it upon themselves to ‘fix’ the faithful. And when you set out to ‘fix’ people you focus on what is wrong with them. The problem with such a cold, scientific approach to human souls is that the Mr. and Mrs. Fixits often become like unto the scientist in Hawthorne’s short story “The Birthmark”:
In those days when the comparatively recent discovery of electricity and other kindred mysteries of Nature seemed to open paths into the region of miracle, it was not unusual for the love of science to rival the love of woman in its depth and absorbing energy. The higher intellect, the imagination, the spirit, and even the heart might all find their congenial aliment in pursuits which, as some of their ardent votaries believed, would ascend from one step of powerful intelligence to another, until the philosopher should lay his hand on the secret of creative force and perhaps make new worlds for himself. We know not whether Aylmer possessed the degree of faith in man’s ultimate control over Nature. He had devoted himself, however, too unreservedly to scientific studies ever to be weaned from them by any second passion. His love for his young wife might prove the stronger of the two; but it could only be by intertwining itself with his love of science, and uniting the strength of the latter to his own.
Of course we know how the story ends. Aylmer becomes obsessed with a birthmark upon his wife’s cheek, and in attempting to eradicate the birthmark he kills his wife. The antique Europeans have been placed in the position of Aylmer’s wife. They were not perfect Christians, therefore their civilization and the heirs of their civilization must be destroyed in order to produce perfect human beings fit to live in the liberals’ kingdom of heaven on hearth. The attack on whiteness will continue and intensify so long as liberals rule in the European nations, because that birthmark, the birthmark of whiteness, must be removed so that scientific mankind can progress.
I contend, against all the world if necessary, but hopefully in union with a few kindred souls, that the antique Europeans, when seen through the visionary eye, represented the ‘best feature’ of man. They were the people who saw the Word made flesh and believed in the Word made flesh. The liberals in church and state have declared war on those people and on every man, woman, and child who dares, even tangentially, to stay connected to the antique Europeans. But we will cleave to those people because our Lord dwells with them; He does not dwell in Aylmer’s laboratory of science. The greatest tragedy, the institutionalized tragedy of liberalism, is the rejection of His love in preference for the approval of Satan and his minions. +