Sleep, my child and peace attend thee
All through the night;
Guardian angels God will send thee
All through the night.
Soft, the drowsy hours are creeping,
Hill and vale, in slumber sleeping,
I my loving vigil keeping,
All through the night.
While the moon her watch is keeping
All through the night;
While the weary world is sleeping
All through the night.
Oâer thy spirit gently stealing,
Visions of delight revealing,
Breathes a pure and holy feeling,
All through the night.
Deep the silence round us spreading,
All through the night;
Dark the path that we are treading,
All through the night.
Still the coming day discerning,
By the hope within us burning,
To the dawn our footsteps turning,
All through the night.
Star of Faith the dark adorning,
All through the night;
Leads us fearless toward the morning,
All through the night.
Though our hearts be wrapped in sorrow,
From the home of dawn we borrow,
Promise of a glad tomorrow,
All through the night.
When I was a child, the arrival of the Labor Day weekend was bittersweet. It meant a picnic with my family â parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc. â but it also meant the reptilian entity called âschoolâ was making ready to squeeze me to death in its coils as soon as Labor Day ended. I think the experience of school itself was horrible enough, but the anticipation of it was even worse. But let me leave the bitter for the sweet for a moment.
I vividly remember one particular Labor Day family gathering in the park when I was seven years old. My Welsh grandmother, who had nine brothers, was there along with many of my great uncles. There was a vast panorama of white working class people in the park, trying to get a little bit of family time before the work week started up again. When the various picnic activities were ended, we all sat down at the picnic tables and ate. After the meal one of my great uncles stood up and sang the Welsh song, âAll Through the Night.â I still remember feeling my heart pounding as my great uncle sang. Why did it have such an effect on me? I donât know, it just did. And I must stress that my great uncle was not a professional singer, he was a coal miner, but I never heard a better rendition than his on that Labor Day weekend over a half century ago. The words âunstudied from the heartâ come to mind. It was not democracy that summoned that song from the depths of my great uncleâs heart, it was his connection to his people, the antique Europeans, in and through the Savior that inspired him to sing of our Saviorâs love, which is with us always even âAll Through the Night.â
As the presidential election approaches, we should remind ourselves that nothing that is good in America stems from democracy. The United States is not a beautiful city on a hill, a beacon light for other nations, it is hideous monstrosity of a nation conceived in Jacobinism and dedicated to the proposition that the wisdom of men is greater than the folly of God. The Democratic Party has recently made explicit what was implicit in our country from its foundations: that white Christians are not welcome in America. The so-called religious liberty granted to Christians in the early days of our nation was a calculated and successful gambit to remove any and all Christian influences from our government. âYou can attend tax exempt church services on Sunday if you support secular Jacobinism throughout the week.â That âcompromiseâ still exists. So long as organized Christian Jewry, the churches of Christ without Christ, act as the âAmen chorusâ for liberalism, they will be allowed to exist. But any attempt by a European Christian to act according to the faith that is in him, the faith of our people when they had hearts of flesh, shall be condemned and dealt with. Modern âChristiansâ have sold their birthright for the privilege of singing âAmenâ to liberalism in the church of their choice, with the added âprivilegeâ of avoiding the penalties inflicted on non-liberals, who are the people that must be dealt with.
I see in that park from long ago, a bit of country in the midst of the city, where I communed with my white kith and kin and listened to âAll Through the Night,â a glimpse of heaven, the heaven that all of us see when we place ourselves in Christian Europe. Dickens, in Oliver Twist, describes that heaven as only he could:
Who can describe the pleasure and delight, the peace of mind and soft tranquillity, the sickly boy felt in the balmy air, and among the green hills and rich woods, of an inland village! Who can tell how scenes of peace and quietude sink into the minds of pain-worn dwellers in close and noisy places, and carry their own freshness, deep into their jaded hearts!… The memories which peaceful country scenes call up, are not of this world, nor of its thoughts and hopes. Their gentle influence may teach us how to weave fresh garlands for the graves of those we loved: may purify our thoughts, and bear down before it old enmity and hatred; but beneath all this, there lingers, in the least reflective mind, a vague and half-formed consciousness of having held such feelings long before, in some remote and distant time, which calls up solemn thoughts of distant times to come, and bends down pride and worldliness beneath it.
It was a lovely spot to which they repaired. Oliver, whose days had been spent among squalid crowds, and in the midst of noise and brawling, seemed to enter on a new existence there. The rose and honeysuckle clung to the cottage walls; the ivy crept round the trunks of the trees; and the garden-flowers perfumed the air with delicious odours. Hard by, was a little churchyard; not crowded with tall unsightly gravestones, but full of humble mounds, covered with fresh turf and moss: beneath which, the old people of the village lay at rest. Oliver often wandered here; and, thinking of the wretched grave in which his mother lay, would sometimes sit him down and sob unseen; but, when he raised his eyes to the deep sky overhead, he would cease to think of her as lying in the ground, and would weep for her, sadly, but without pain.
That is what Christian Europe was all about. The great monster death lost its horror when the horror was joined with the hope in His resurrection from the dead and our loved onesâ resurrection in and through Him. The antique Europeans had faith, they loved much. And we have lost their faith, the faith that He is with us all through the night. We cannot replace the loss of that faith by celebrating the end of racism and/or the triumph of democracy. Just the opposite is the case. We need a return to racism, which is white pietas, and we need an end to democracy, which is the reign of Satan, and a return to Christian Europe.
Four more years of Trump might mitigate, ever so slightly, the liberalsâ onslaught on the white race. But his re-election will not change the course of liberalism nor will it do anything to restore that which must be restored, our Christian European heritage. We need to step outside the liberalsâ realm entirely and embrace the Star of Faith that leads us fearless through the night of liberalism toward the morning of Christian Europe. We canât be part of their realm. Yet, as their realm, the liberalsâ realm, becomes more blatantly satanic, our churchmen have become more blatantly pro-liberal and anti-Christian. At some point we must remember what we were and see what we have become. That which was lost was and is our hope and our glory; that which we have now constitutes âthe horror, the horror.â
During my college and graduate years I met a great deal of academics like that music critic I mentioned last week, who thought you could enjoy Bachâs music without sharing Bachâs faith. Many of the professors I knew loved the great European poets, such as Shakespeare and Spencer, but not one of those academics believed in the God of Shakespeare and Spencer. They thought they could luxuriate in their poetry while immersing themselves in the culture of reason, the noble savage, and science. It doesnât work that way. As the faith which inspired the artists and poets of Christian Europe disappears, so do the fruits of that ancient faith disappear. The white Christian artists and authors of long ago are now being systematically eliminated from our modern college curricula, just as the customs of our Christian ancestors are being eliminated from our common culture — which is really not a culture, but a non-culture which celebrates the triumph of Satan over all things noble, true, and beautiful, all things Christian.
There are no more loving vigils kept by the cradle of a Christian child, surrounded by guardian angels. Instead we have day care centers in which our young children are surrounded by bored, hard-as-nails, minimum wage âcaretakersâ who torment children in the buildings consecrated to Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. Our children are being violated not only in their bodies but in the depths of their souls. The liberals hate children and childhood, because our Lord said that we must all be like unto little children in order to inherit the kingdom of heaven. What must we be like unto in order to be part of the liberalsâ kingdom of hell on earth? We must be like unto the archangel Lucifer who hates Christ with a passionate intensity and seeks to destroy Him by destroying His image in man. The outward physical ugliness of the modern whites who disfigure their bodies in the style of African tribesmen and tribeswomen mirrors their inner ugliness. There is no femininity, no gentleness, no kindness in the women, and no Christian masculinity, no charity of honor in the men. The election of a Republican who wants to destroy all things white and Christian at a slower rate than the Democrats is not going to turn our de-souled, inhuman men and women into human beings again. We need to restore our âAll Through the Nightâ culture, a culture which bred men and women with faith, hope, and charity.
The liberals incrementally deadened the souls of the European people under the guise of democracy, science, and enlightenment. Now the European people live in hell without the knowledge that they live in hell â âYour soul deserves the place to which it came, If having entered hell you feel no flame.â It is no longer a case of âif these shadows are not altered, Europe will become hell.â The European nations have become hell, and the most âenlightenedâ nation of them all, the United States, has led the way to hell. Our nation is a synthesis of perversions and blasphemies. Whatever is perverted, whatever is ungodly is considered good and pure in our nation, and whatever is pure, noble, and humane is proscribed in our nation. We can hold elections from now till doomsday if we like, but when your democratic elections take place in hell, it is of no consequence who gets elected, because the option to leave hell and return to His Europe is not on the ballot. If we donât feel the flame, nothing will avail us.
Karl Stern, a Jewish convert to Catholicism, wrote a book called A Pillar of Fire, in which he attempted to show that the insights of psychology (he was a psychiatrist) were compatible with Christianity. I read the book as a young man, and I kept thinking of Gremio in Shakespeareâs The Taming of the Shrew. He asks, âWho would be married to hell?â Modern psychology is the heir of scholastic theology. The scholastics, in contrast to our Lord and St. Paul, told us we could know God through reason and the study of nature, rather than through a sympathetic connection to God â our hearts joined with His sacred heart. The practice of psychology makes the same presumption about man that the theologians made about God: You can look at men through the eyes of science and âpluck out their mystery.â Is that possible? No, it is not. The scientizing of God through theology and the scientizing of man through psychology has led to an anti-vision, a purely biological vision, of man and God. They are both confined within the borders of the natural world. That world is hell. Our God is not from hell. He harrowed hell to save poor sinners, but He is not of hell, He belongs to heaven, and so do we unless we choose to stay with Satan in his kingdom of eternal night.
In a civilization in which the people have given a place to the incarnate God at their racial and familial hearth fires, a glimpse of heaven is given to all the men and women, no matter how lowly their station in life, who are part of the life of that civilization. Their daily lives become consecrated lives; they partake of His heavenly kingdom, the kingdom that is within human hearts imbued with a love for the Savior. What happens when He is not allowed into a civilization because that civilization is consecrated to reason, science, and the noble savage? The people of that civilization become the citizens of hell, because their daily lives are consecrated to Satan. We must feel the flame and fight back against all the forces of hell. We cannot be neutral: Satan does not take prisoners, he devours the lukewarm. Just as our Lord harrowed hell, we, in imitation of Him, shall defy the flames of hell and cling to our Savior all through the night, until we see His star of faith over Europe once again.+