The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people: But because the Lord loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the Lord brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations. âDeuteronomy 7: 7-9
Toward the end of Thomas Airdâs poem âThe Devilâs Dream on Mount Aksbeck,â the devil is offered a chance to accept the mercy of God:
At last, from out the barren womb of many thousand years,
A sound as of the green-leaved earth his thirsty spirit cheers;
And, oh, a presence soft and cool came o’er his burning dream,
A form of beauty clad about with fair creation’s beam;
A low sweet voice was in his ear, thrilled through his inmost soul,
And these the words that bowed his heart with softly sad control:ââNo sister e’er hath been to thee with pearly eyes of love;
No mother e’er hath wept for thee, an outcast from above;
No hand hath come from out the cloud to wash thy scarrèd face;
No voice to bid thee lie in peace, the noblest of thy race:
But bow thee to the God of Love, and all shall yet be well,
And yet in days of holy peace and love thy soul shall dwell.âAnd thou shalt dwell ‘mid leaves and rills far from this torrid heat,
And I with streams of cooling milk will bathe thy blistered feet;
And when the troubled tears shall start to think of all the past,
My mouth shall haste to kiss them off, and chase thy sorrows fast;
And thou shalt walk in soft white light with kings and priests abroad,
And thou shalt summer high in bliss upon the hills of God.â
The devil rejects Godâs mercy:
So knew the Fiend, and fain would he down to oblivion go;
But back from fear his spirit proud, recoiling like a bow,
Sprung. O’er his head he saw the heavens upstayèd bright and high;
The planets, undisturbed by him, were shining in the sky;
The silent magnanimity of Nature and her God
With anguish smote his haughty soul, and sent his Hell abroad.
At Eastertime we greet our fellow Christians with, âChrist has risen!,â and the reply is, âIndeed He has!â One can picture the devils in hell commenting on the success of their master:
1st Junior Devil: âOur master has sent his hell abroad.â
2nd Junior Devil: âIndeed he has.â
The devil has been enormously successful in the past 100 years; he has sent his hell abroad throughout the European world, the only world where Christ once held a significant place. But there is an irony involved in the devilâs success. That proud spirit had to get the consent of the very creatures he hates in order to work his will upon them. Isnât that rather ignoble, to prowl about the world trying to ruin souls by trickery instead of a straight-forward challenge? Yes, in my opinion it is rather ignoble, but then I am not privy to the innermost thoughts â nor do I want to be â of the devil. Perhaps he is able to save his ego by some sophistry we do not understand, but howsoever he convinces himself that petty treachery is compatible with his pride, he does work his will upon mankind by making it appear that what men desire most is what the devil can provide for them.
There never was a time when the temptations of the devil were not appealing, but I think Charles Maturin gets it right in his novel Melmoth the Wanderer, in which he depicts men and women of old Europe, whom the devil asks to give up their souls for what he can give them. They ultimately refuse to give up their souls; the devil fails. Why does he fail? He fails because those Europeans lived in a Europe that was consecrated to Christ. Our Savior was still present in the hearts of the European people in the âunenlightenedâ days of Christian Europe. There were limits to the evils they did, because Christ was present in their hearts. And so long as He is present within the human breast, Satan cannot enter. But once the European peopleâs heart-to-heart covenant with Christ was broken, Satan can, will, and did become the ruler of the European people. The constant turning away from God and the turning back to God in the Old Testament is the story of a heart-to-heart covenant, the breaking of that covenant, and the return to the covenant. When Moses, the peopleâs connection to the living God, went up to Mt. Sinai, the Hebrew people felt abandoned by God and returned to Baal. The European people have made the same return to Baal, which is a return to nature and natureâs gods, as the Hebrews did when Moses âabandonedâ them.
The Grand Inquisitor hurls the accusation, âYou abandoned mankind,â at Christ. And what is Christâs answer? He does not give an answer. It seems that Satan is there for us, but our Lord is not. That is the crux of the matter. Is there a realm of existence that âknows not seems?â Hamletâs mother did not see the vision from another world vouchsafed to Hamlet, yet she asserted with certainty, âI see nothing, yet all that there is I see.â The scholastics thought there was no incompatibility between reason and revelation: âSince all that is can be known by reason, including Godâs revelation, why should we not place reason on an equal level with revelation?â Why indeed? We should not place human reason and Godâs revelation on an equal level because we cannot know God through reason. Reason forms no covenants, it only draws up contracts. Reason cannot see beyond what seems. If we look at Godâs word through the eyes of reason, it appears that He does not answer prayer and that He lied about His imminent return. But if we approach His holy word with our hearts, and if we pray with our hearts, does not a different picture of God emerge, distinct from the absentee God whom we see with the eyes of reason? All deep thought comes from the heart â if we refuse to think from the heart we will never see anything other than the material world, the world of Baal.
Once reason contemplating nature became synonymous with revelation the stage was set for the triumph of Satan in the Western world. Satan started his own back-to-nature movement. The clergymen told their people that God was in nature, which opened the door for the liberals, who took that clerical maxim one step further â âGod is nature.â Our modern non-civilization is a synthesis of the ârationalâ civilizations of Babel, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Egypt. The European people prefer their Egyptian night to Christian Europe, but why do they prefer that night? They have no heart left for God; that is why they have chosen the night of science and the dark races over Christ. Science will sustain them where Christ has failed them, and the sacred negro will allow them to feel connected to Baal.
In my lifetime, I have seen the devastation caused by the liberalsâ rationalistic attack on Christ. I had a college professor who spoke for that whole world of liberal vipers. In class after class, he pounded home his theme, âWhere is the life in a dead body? How can you believe in a God that cannot help you in this world and cannot sustain life in your body after you leave this world?â If, like Lady Macbeth, we have made thick our blood and stopped up âthâ access and passage to remorseâ then we cannot answer the liberals. Nor can we answer the liberals if we have accepted the clergymenâs anti-vision of God â that He does not enter human hearts, He only comes to enlightened minds. But if we have a heart for God, if we are drawn to Him by something in our hearts that is beyond reason, we will know that He has not abandoned us on this earth and He will not abandon us in the world to come. It was not a little thing, our connection to the antique Europeans, it was everything, because through those hearts of flesh, we touched the heart of God.
The conservatives of the 20th century such as Weaver, Tate, and Kirk, all proceeded under the assumption that the disease of liberalism could be cured by rational analysis. But rational analysis, whether it is the rational analysis of a liberal or a liberal conservative, is not true thought, because it does not encompass the wellspring of thought, the human heart. Stavrogin, in Dostoyevskyâs novel The Devils, is rational to the end:
The citizen of the Canton of Uri was dangling just by the door. On the table there was a scrap of paper with the words, âAccuse no one, I did it myself,â written in pencil. Next to it on the table there was also a hammer, a piece of soap, and a large nail, apparently in case the other one hadnât held up. The strong silk cord on which Nicolai Stavrogin had hanged himself was lavishly smeared with soap. All this indicated that to the last second he was in full possession of his mental faculties and had acted with premeditation.
After the autopsy, all our medical experts rejected any possibility of insanity.
Stavroginâs end is our end if we continue to see with the rational jewels of the head rather than with the eyes of the heart. Before the churchmen decided we could combat the king of rationalism with our own reason, separated from a spirit-infused heart, there were integral men, our European progenitors, who spoke of a different way:
Now with zeal we must search our breasts shrewdly, the vices within, with the eyes of the heart. With the other eyes, the jewels of the head, we cannot at all see through the spirit of the thought, whether good or evil dwells beneath, so that it may be pleasing unto God at the dread time. âAnglo-Saxon Poetry
The synthesis of Babel, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Egyptian night needs a rationalist base to hold it together. If even a few Europeans thought with their hearts, that synthesis of evil would start to crumble. The modern Europeans are proceeding as if nature, the nature which can be dissected and analyzed by rational minds, is all. Our young people are brought up to believe that they should welcome the assault of the colored heathens on the white race and spend their lives combating racism and global warming. The great rationalist, utopian state that Lincoln hoped would âlong endureâ has given birth to a brood of vipers, conceived and nurtured by the rationalism of the devil. And if we are one with Satan in his rationalism, we will be one with him in his estrangement from God and humanity:
Oâer soft and unsubstantial shades which towering visions seem,
Through kingdoms of forlorn repose, went on the hurrying dream;
Till down where feet of hills might be, he by a Lake was stayed
Of still red fireâa molten plate of terror unalloyed–
A mirror where Jehovahâs Wrath, in majesty alone,
Comes in the night of worlds to see its armour girded on.The awful walls of shadows round might dusky mountains seem,
But never holy light hath touched an outline with its gleam;
âTis but the eyeâs bewildered sense that fain would rest on form,
And make nightâs thick blind presence to created shapes conform.
No stone is moved on mountain here by creeping creature crossed;
No lonely harper comes to harp upon this fiery coast.
It was only the ethical remnant of what was once the European peopleâs heartfelt faith in Christ crucified, Christ risen that sustained the European people in the latter half of the 20th century. Now that the ethical remnant has been destroyed, there is no âholy lightâ left over Europe. All is darkness. Dylan Thomas was aware of the dying of the light, but he was unable to trace that light back to its source, so he died in an alcoholic stupor. At least he had the heart to know that life was unbearable without the light. That is the beginning of wisdom. Is it possible to go any further, to actually move toward Godâs âholy lightâ? Before there was Nature, there was the God who was and is greater than nature. How do we know that? Because of what is inside of us that yearns for something, for someone, beyond nature. We who are about to die need that âholy lightâ to illuminate our hearts and give us a glimpse of a spiritual realm of existence that transcends the shallow, closed-in world of darkness that has become the only world for the modern Europeans.
The counter-revolution cannot begin until we throw off the chains of nature and natureâs gods. It is not impossible to break those chains, but we must leave the dungeons of academia behind and venture forth into the open air of that other realm, the realm of visionary hearts of flesh who loved so much that they saw their beginning and their end in the cross of Christ. I donât see any hope for our people until we, the last Europeans, stand up to the principalities and powers of the Liberaldom and declare that this, our modern utopia of science and the sacred negroes, is not heaven on earth, it is hell. A hell we reject in the name of Christâs holy light that once shone over the European people, as the Star of Bethlehem once shone over the shepherds on that night of nights when the light of the world came to us through our incarnate Lord. +