
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in our philosophy.
The citizen of the Canton of Uri was dangling just by the door. On the table there was a scrap of paper with the words, “Accuse no one, I did it myself,” written in pencil. Next to it on the table there was also a hammer, a piece of soap, and a large nail, apparently in case the other one hadn’t held up. The strong silk cord on which Nikolai Stavrogin had hanged himself was lavishly smeared with soap. All this indicated that to the last second he was in full possession of his mental faculties and had acted with premeditation.
After the autopsy, all our medical experts rejected any possibility of insanity.
-Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Possessed
We employ the term Benevolence to express our outward affections, sympathies, tastes, and feelings, but it is inadequate to express our meaning; it is not the opposite of selfishness, and unselfishness would be too negative for our purpose. Philosophy has been so busy with the worst feature of human nature that it has not even found a name for this, its better feature. We must fall back on Christianity, which embraces man’s whole nature, and though not a code of philosophy, is something better; for it proposes to lead us through the trials and intricacies of life, not by the mere cool calculations of the head, but by the unerring instincts of a pure and regenerate heart. The problem of the Moral World is too vast and complex for the human mind to comprehend; yet the pure heart will, safely and quietly, feel its way through the mazes that confound the head.
-George Fitzhugh, Cannibals All or Slaves Without Masters
It is Bassanio’s contention during the trial scene in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice that Shylock, because he has refused “ten times o’er” the amount of Antonio’s bond in preference for a pound of Antonio’s flesh, has demonstrated that he is motivated by malice alone and his case should be dismissed:
“If this will not suffice, it must appear
That malice bears down truth.”
At first it does appear that malice will bear down truth, but because The Merchant of Venice is a comedy that must end happily Portia steps in and renders a Christian verdict. It would not be accurate to say that malice never bore down truth in the courtrooms of the Christian Europeans. Men are very flawed creatures, but it would be quite accurate to say that there was a much greater concern for truth in the courts of Christian Europe than there is in our modern utopian courts. In the modern courts of the European people, which reflect the values of the ruling elites, malice has borne down truth. And it is a very specific malice; it is a malice against the white race and all things Christian. Race mixing and abortion have legal sanction while segregation and the preservation of life in the womb are proscribed by law.
The clergymen and the neopagans are fond of telling us that Christianity has nothing to do with race, but the children of darkness know better. They know that the true faith has only been honored and championed by the white race. No matter how completely they repudiate that faith, the whites will never be trusted by the children of darkness. Satan drives them on; they must kill and destroy everything white and Christian so that not even one precious string of memory that connects modern Europe with old Europe will remain. Not only the monuments and the art works will be destroyed; the colored hordes will not leave one single white person alive. So as it was in Haiti, so it will be in white Europe unless the white man breaks that one terrible chain that has made him a slave of the heathens and the colored barbarians.
Promethus was bound to a rock while birds of prey pecked at his liver, because he stole fire from the gods and gave it to man. He was a hero, because the gods of Greece were indifferent to man and often cruel, but what of the Christian European? He is not bound to Promethus’s rock because Christ is punishing him, he has chained himself to the rock because of his refusal to look to any god beyond his own reason. The white man’s chain, which he seems incapable of breaking, is the chain of rationalism. So long as the white man is bound by that chain he will be at the mercy of the liberals who have turned him over to the people who have no mercy – the colored barbarians and the heathens.
The white man’s fear of the racist label, which governs his whole life, is the result of the triumph of rationalist Christianity, as a system, over faith in Christ as the Son of God. In their attempt to make God more real, more easily comprehended by reference to the natural world, the Christian rationalists made Christ subordinate to human reason. Instead of knowing Him through a sympathetic connection that transcends reason, we were told to eliminate all those divine intuitions that could not be comprehended by abstract reason. If human reason said Christ was the Son of God then He was the Son of God. And the medieval rationalists did say that Christ was the Son of God. But what if subsequent rationalists say Christ is not the Son of God, based on the same reasoning process of the Christian rationalists? If you have made abstract reason your lodestar then you must submit to the judgement of reason. That is what the modern church men have done – they have submitted to the judgement of the rationalists and become Christian atheists. Without Christ to worship in spirit and in truth, they have gone whoring after the gods of Liberaldom – the colored barbarians and the anti-Christian heathens.
Pope Francis must be against white pietas, what the liberals call racism, because he has made a commitment to the new scientistic Christianity, which has placed Christ on a par with the natural world that can be seen, dissected, and cataloged by the mind of man. Anything outside of that world is unscientific, superstitious, and irrational. Every man of the West must make his decision on the heath. Is rational thought the pinnacle of wisdom, or is there something in our blood that is wiser than abstract reason? Thomas Hughes, the author of Tom Brown’s School Days, faced his moment of truth, and he, like Banquo, forsook the rationalism of the devil for the foolishness of faith:
At the same time, as we also know that the methods and principles of historical investigation are constantly improving and being better understood, and that the critics of the next generation will work in all human likelihood, at as great an advantage in this inquiry over those who are now engaged in it, as our astronomers and natural philosophers enjoy over Newton and Franklin,– and as new evidence may turn up any day which may greatly modify their conclusions,–we cannot suppose that there is the least chance of their settling the controversy in our time. Nor, even if we thought them likely to arrive at definite conclusions, can we consent to wait the result of their investigations, important and interesting as these might be. Granting then cheerfully, that if these facts on the study of which they are engaged are not facts,–if Christ was not crucified, and did not rise from the dead, and ascend to God his father,–there has been no revelation, and Christianity will infallibly go the way of all lies, either under their assaults or those of their successors,–they must pardon us if even at the cost of being thought and called fools for our pains, we deliberately elect to live our lives on the contrary assumption. It is useless to tell us that we know nothing of these things, that we can know nothing until their critical examination is over; we can only say, “examine away; but we do know something of this matter, whatever you may assert to the contrary, and mean to live on that knowledge.” –Life of Alfred the Great
Every man who places the detached intellect above his blood wisdom is ruled by the devil, because the realm of abstract reason is to the devil what the briar patch was to Brer Rabbit: He loves it, it is his realm. In that realm he can ban all compunctious visitings of human nature. In that realm pietas becomes racism, and the white man is left bereft of a racial hearth fire from which he can fight against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
The first rationalist state was Jacobin France. The Jacobins made a whore the ‘goddess of reason’ and made humanity an abstraction that could be disposed of according to the dictates of abstract reason. This was the logical consequence of making Christ subordinate to a nature-based, rational schema. Once Christ is demoted to an abstraction, so are the people created in His image. And the abstract, inhuman mass of men in the aggregate becomes all-powerful in a rationalist state. First it was the white proletariat that the Jacobins invoked. But Haiti was a foreshadowing of the future of the white race. It wouldn’t take long for the Jacobins’ rationalist heirs to make all whites non-people.
The Jewish Jacobin, Leon Trotsky, used the term racism to make all whites into the aristocrats who needed to go to the block in order for a new purer world to come into being. What the white grazer never grasps is that there is nothing he can do that will appease the white-hating Jacobins of modernity. Even if he is born into poverty his skin is white and that means he possesses “white privilege” and deserves to die. It is all quite rational. Why should the people of nature and the devotees of the natural religions have to be polluted by the white race?
There has been no conservative opposition to the Atticus Finch-liberals and their colored and heathen allies, who we have already established as not really their allies, because the modern conservatives are not conservative. They have rejected Burkean conservatism, which stems from a love of kith, kin, and God, for economic conservatism. They want to show the liberals that their economic system works better than the liberals’ system and is therefore much better for the colored people. Thus the modern conservatives and the liberals are united in their main goal – to love and serve the negro. The modern economic conservative does not care about the Islamization or the colorization of the West. He only wants to know whether the black or the Moslem is for or against free enterprise. And even if both are against it, he remains confident that he can win them over. So he welcomes all economic units into his nation, which is not really a nation but is an abstract idea in the mind of a sick generation of spiritually anesthetized rationalists.
Trump is not a racist; I wish he was, but he has some good instincts about border control and crime. That is what makes him an anathema to the National Review type of conservative. Any man with a single European instinct left in him is not fit to govern the land of the rational Jacobins, because the rationalist man is always afraid he’ll be damned. But his fear is not a Christian’s fear of damnation that can be relieved by Christ; it is a rationalist’s fear of damnation. The white conservative fears the racist label, because to be racist is to be stupid. And to be stupid is to be damned, because rationality is the sign of the blessed and stupidity is the sign of the damned. Hence the fear of being racist and therefore stupid haunts the white conservative.
Like one, that on a lonesome road
Doth walk in fear and dread,
And having once turned round walks on,
And turns no more his head;
Because he knows a frightful fiend
Doth close behind him tread.
That fiend is the man who plans on screaming racist at the conservative. Mr. Conservative hopes to hold off the foul fiend by being more anti-racist than the worst of the mad-dog liberals. In short he has become the type of man who will gladly sell out his own race to save himself from a damnation that exists only in his rationalist mind, which is a form of un-mind. Charles Peguy once said that we should never know just how many horrific crimes are committed by men who are afraid of not appearing sufficiently progressive. I think we are now beginning to get an idea of just how many. The crimes of the fearful ones, the anti-racist rationalists, are as numerous as the sands of the desert.
The modern rationalist is in the position of Dostoyevsky’s Raskolnikov before his repentance. At first Raskolnikov only felt sorry that his confession revealed that he was not a superman, an ironclad rationalist, who was not subject to the feelings of a lesser man who felt guilt and remorse over the murder of an old lady and her granddaughter. It is only when his heart relents, when he gives up on his mind-forged vision of the superman that he can turn to the Man of Sorrows and start the long road back to redemption.
At the heart of the European’s tragic fall is the sin of Adam, the pride of intellect. True wisdom does not come from abstract reason, it comes from a heart united in sympathy and love to Christ’s sacred heart. That wisdom, the wisdom of the heart and blood, has the sustaining fire to light our way through the darkest night. No integral European, that man of feeling who Scott championed, would forsake his familial and racial hearth fire to go whoring after the gods of the heathens and the gods of color. Nor would he fear the scorn of the rationalists, because he would know that the first rationalist was the devil. Nothing is more embarrassing to church men than the mention of the devil as something more than a metaphor. But he is more than a metaphor. He is our ancient foe — science has not changed that — and he rules over the clergy’s liberal comrades in arms with a rationalist sword of iron. We, the European remnant, the men with hearts of flesh, will not be ruled by the sword of the devil.
If there is nothing sacred that is not rational, rational as defined by the philosophers of reason, then what happens to our “irrational” ties to our kith and kin? And what happens to our irrational connection, through our kith and kin, to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Both disappear like fairy dust fading away. I long to see Europeans who do not start every protest against the Islamization of Europe or every protest against black criminality with, “I am not a racist.” Instead, I want to hear Europeans say, and mean it, “I am a racist, because I am a Christian European who loves the people of my own racial hearth fire in and through the savior, Jesus Christ. I am not going to give up that love or that faith for your pathetic rationalist utopia that was conceived and is sustained by Satan.”
Let me close with the words of the last Burkean conservative, Anthony Jacob:
We can never flourish as we ought except among our own kind; and if we cannot flourish as we ought we shall go under. It is not surprising, of course, that under the mental and spiritual anaesthetization of the Farewell State the British people’s sense of self-preservation should have atrophied and their sense of values gone awry. Yet this in no wise alters the fact that those who form no more than a part of a universal mish-mash, of a homeless multitude of faceless ‘un-men,’ will never have any pride of place or sense of belonging, nor will ever know the Christian virtues of charity and love. Love like charity not only begins at home but perishes without one. +