Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. 1 Corinthians 13: 8
Last week an English boy, about 9 years old, committed suicide after being bullied and tormented by some subhuman Asians. And last week I finished reading The Pickwick Papers with my children. Though seemingly unrelated, those two events – both of which shook me to the core of my soul – were very much related.
I’ve read Pickwick Papers more times than I can count, but this reading was different from all my other readings of the novel. I found myself near tears at comic sections of the book that used to elicit laughter. And there was something else inside of me beside sorrow: there was anger. If I was to put a name to the sorrow and the anger I would call it, “That which is lost.” Pickwickian England is Christian Europe. Without closing his eyes to any of its evils, Dickens shows us the love that once was there in a people who took the Lord Jesus Christ into their hearts. The antique Europeans did not differ from other peoples because they did no evil. They differed from all other peoples because they, and they alone, had charity. And when in the presence of such people, a feeling of awe comes over me, because in their charity I see the face of Jesus Christ. Hence the sorrow and the anger. Sorrow at the incomparable world that has been lost and anger at those who destroyed it.
I felt the same sorrow and anger when I read about the suicide of that poor nine-year-old boy. His death was the direct result of the liberals’ destruction of Pickwickian Europe. I know what the defenders of Liberaldom will say: “There was bullying in the schools in your precious Christian Europe. Just look at those atrocious English public schools for instance.” Yes, let’s look at them. Thomas Hughes, in his book Tom Brown’s School Days, gives us an excellent description of bullying and its effect on small school children. But he doesn’t recommend utopian measures to counteract bullying. In Hughes’ opinion there will always be cruel boys who prey on the weaker helpless boys, just as there will always be cruel men who prey on the weak and the helpless. The only realistic counter to bullying is the Christian hero. Tom Brown is liberated from the cruel tyranny of Flashman by the intervention of an upperclassman who has been imbued with the proper bred-in-the-bone Christianity. Some things, such as the cruelties that Flashman inflicts on Tom Brown, are simply not to be tolerated. And Tom, when he becomes an upperclassman, protects the weak and helpless Arthur just as Brooke once helped him.
The English boarding school of Tom Brown’s School Days is a mirror image of the world. Utopian schemes hatched by atheist Jacobins only lead to greater evils than any of the evils the utopians claim they are eradicating. Hughes and Burke are of one mind about societies and institutions that seek to run their little worlds without the Savior who redeemed the world.
“The unbought grace of life, the cheap defence of nations, the nurse of manly sentiment and heroic enterprise, is gone! It is gone, that sensibility of principle, that charity of honor, which felt a stain like a wound, which inspired courage whilst it mitigated ferocity, which enobled whatever it touched, and under which vice itself lost half its evil, by losing all its grossness.”
The charity of honor that pervaded Christian Europe did not eradicate evil from the face of the earth. What happened was what Burke and Hughes described: savage ferocity was mitigated and vice lost half its evil because there was a Christian counter-response to every evil that men did. Now, when there is no Christian European counter-response to evil we see unmitigated savage ferocity and vice triumphant. The mother of that tormented nine-year-old child had pleaded to the school administrators to help her son, but her pleas fell on deaf ears because liberals have no conscience: they belong to Satan. Had a black mother protested that white boys were bullying her son, the white boys would have been summarily executed without a trial. Had the Asian filth who tormented the English boy accused a group of white boys of the same crime they were guilty of, the white boys would have been driven off the face of the earth.
This world of unmitigated evil in which colored savages torment and murder white people with the approval of the liberal oligarchy will continue to flourish so long as white Europeans are separated from the type of honor that is connected to charity. It always saddens me when I see small remnant bands of white youth trying to organize a white resurgence under the banner of a pagan intellectual such as Nietzsche. There is no charity in such undertakings, hence there is no enduring fire in the heart. The reason charity never faileth is because that charity of honor connects us to Christ, and without Him all causes, no matter how brilliantly conceived, are doomed to live for one brief moment and then die, just as we are doomed to live for one brief moment and die unless our Redeemer, out of divine charity, steps between us and death, granting us eternal life.
Unmitigated cruelty will cease when the European becomes what he was meant to be: the man with a heart of flesh. Throughout the scriptures, God makes it clear that He judges men by what is in their hearts.
“And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh: That they may walk in my statutes, and keep mine ordinances, and do them: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God. But as for them whose heart walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their way upon their own heads, saith the Lord God.”
Undergirding the liberals’ kingdom of detestable things and abominations is a heinous Orientalism that is the complete antithesis of European Christianity. The reason the Orientals have shown such a relish and genius for cruelty is because they have rejected the Christian belief in the resurrection of the dead. If Christ be not risen, then all of life in the flesh is pain. One must develop a stony heart and a detached mind in order to endure the pain of existence. And such a philosophy is very effective. A man with a heart of stone and a mind detached from humanity can endure a lot of pain, especially the pain he inflicts on other people.
Because their people were once Christian, the syncretistic liberals of the West have added an abstract black Messiah to their Orientalism, but this new utopia that the liberals are building is based on a very old Orientalism. Kipling tells us that East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, but the liberals have joined the two and made hell on earth.
The fusion of Eastern philosophies that foster an indifference to the pain of others with a secularized Christianity has made the formerly Christian European countries into a satanic union of nations with one purpose: to destroy every and any remnant of the light of the world. Fusing Christian zeal with Oriental cruelty, the liberals seek out blasphemers. They are indifferent to the sufferings they inflict on white people, because white people are connected, through their past, to the light. And they agonize about the plight of the colored, not because they care about individual human beings, but because they care about blasphemy. The liberals’ gods are colored people in the abstract: they must not be offended.
A few years ago I read a neo-pagan’s attempt to defend the European people while denouncing Christianity. This is a difficult task because the European people, as a people, were historically wedded to Christ. If Christ was not the Son of God, then the Europeans should be despised for perpetuating a falsehood of monumental proportions on the world. But let me present the neo-pagan’s solution to that dilemma: he claimed that Christianity was originally a universalist, multi-racial religion, a mere extension of the universalism of the Roman Empire. Then came the Goths, the Europeans. They made a universalist religion into a provincial religion, a religion in which the Son of God spoke to His people who had hearts of flesh. The secular historian G. M. Trevelyan concurs with the neo-pagan apologist:
The Nordic religion was not a religion of dread, or of magic formularies to propitiate hostile powers. Instead of covering its temples with frescoes of the tortures of the damned, it taught people not to be afraid of death. Its ideal was the fellowship of the hero with the gods, not merely to feasting and victory, but in danger and defeat. For the gods, too, are in the hands of fate, and the Scandinavian vision of the twilight of the gods that was to end the world showed the heroes dying valiantly in the last hopeless fight against the forces of chaos—loyal and fearless to the last. It is an incomplete but not an ignoble religion. It contains those elements of character which it was the special mission of the Nordic peoples to add to modern civilization and to Christianity itself.
What Trevelyan is describing is the germ of kith and kin, provincial Christianity. But did the Europeans add that element of “character” to Christianity? I would say that they stripped Roman Christianity of its unchristian, universalist, Oriental drapery and worshipped the living God in spirit and truth. Men with hearts of flesh must have a God with a heart of flesh. And this has always been the conflict within the church of Christ. Does Christ come to human minds through a cruel, universalist system, or does He come to provincial people with hearts of flesh? The history of our people, which is the history of the faith, tells us that Christ comes to all people through their provincial hearth fires, and outside of those provincial units of grace are the false gods of the Orientals, not the true God of the European people.
The neo-pagan was wrong about the Europeans: they were not a people who were clever enough to invent a provincial God of their ascending race, they were a people who loved enough to see past the Oriental façade of the church to the true God within the church, the God of their ascending race.
God prefers mercy to sacrifice. He wants His people to stay together as a people so that faith, hope, and charity, especially charity, does not perish from the earth. The provincial European does not suffer nine-year-old boys to be driven to suicidal despair by Asian tormentors. Nor does the provincial European permit black demigods to kill white people, whom liberal oligarchs have deemed devils, with impunity. Charity demands that we be meek toward the meek, but it also demands that we be fierce in defense of the meek and the helpless. This white holocaust must end even if it means we have to kill every last liberal and every last person of color. The liberals have made this war, not us. We can’t accept their Oriental vision of existence and stand passively by while white people are sacrificed on the altars of the liberals’ colored gods. God did not shed His grace, as the blasphemous song declares, over democratic America; He shed His grace over the European people who loved much. The world saw the face of Jesus Christ through the people who had charity.
Pickwickian Europe is not dead: it lives still in the European past and in the hearts of those Europeans who refuse to let go of that sacred past. For the sake of our own souls and the sake of all tortured and tormented white people, especially our children, we must cling to that provincial Pickwickian Europe where men of mercy and charity are forever at war with Oriental cruelty and black savagery. Let us conclude where The Pickwick Papers conclude:
Let us leave our old friend in one of those moments of unmixed happiness, of which, if we seek them, there are ever some, to cheer our transitory existence here. There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast. Some men, like bats or owls, have better eyes for the darkness than for the light. We, who have no such optical powers, are better pleased to take our last parting look at the visionary companions of many solitary hours, when the brief sunshine of the world is blazing full upon them.
The European people who saw the Light of the world and loved Him are the one true liturgy of the Christian Church. +