The European Vision

And so they sailed for Tintagel…



There is a little side door in Senator McCain’s office that leads down a secret passageway to another door. Sometimes when the devil’s janitors forget to oil the hinges on the other door you can hear it creaking. It has been creaking a lot lately because McCain has been going back and forth, on a daily basis, from his office to hell and from hell to his office. He steps up his visits to his master every time there is a chance to plunge the United States of Liberaldom into another senseless war-to-make-the-world-safe-for-democracy. The devil gives McCain his orders and he, in turn, instructs the dogs of war, the Fox News staff and the neo-cons, that a bloodbath is necessary. Why is it necessary? We haven’t even finished with our senseless and bloody wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, so why must we rush to get involved in a senseless war in the Ukraine?

McCain wants to involve America in a World War because he worships Satan. But he can’t tell the Fox News reporters and the neo-cons that the real reason why we must go to war is because Satan wants us to (well, maybe he could tell the neo-cons his real reason). McCain must dissemble if he is to get the full support of the mini-skirted bimbos and the lobotomized newscasters of the Fox News Team. So McCain advocates war under the banner of universalism: “We are all Ukrainians now.” Such universalist war-mongering began with the French Jacobins’ bloody plea for liberty, equality, and fraternity, and it has been the motivating force behind the bloodiest wars in the history of mankind. Which should give us pause to think about the validity of the universalists’ view of existence. But it never does give us pause, so let us pause for a moment and look at the universalist imperative.

The church men of every denomination, before the age of complete apostasy, spend a lot of time and energy condemning the sexual sins. No doubt they thought that the sins of the flesh were very great temptations and their people needed to be constantly reminded of the seriousness of the sins of the flesh. And those clergymen were not all wrong: the sins of the flesh are serious and we mortals are very susceptible to them. But those same church men, who made the avoidance of the sins of the flesh their main focus, suffered from the Zoilus syndrome. Zoilus was a 4th century B.C. critic of Homer whose name was forever linked to men who couldn’t see the whole because they mistook a part of the whole for the whole. The whole that the theologians missed was the sin of pride. Why, since pride was the original sin from which the other deadly sins derived, was there not a greater focus on the sin of theological speculation, the prideful determination to put God in a silver speculator’s rod? I think the answer to that lies in the identity of the theological speculators. The vast majority of the theological speculators were clergymen. A Bonaventure might condemn the theological speculations of a Thomist, and a Thomist might condemn the theological speculations of a Calvinist, but no clergyman would condemn theological speculation in and of itself. The deepest, most damning sins are the ones we don’t know we are committing because we are too enamored of them to see them as sins. As great as the sins of the flesh are, they do not hold a candle to man’s original sin, the prideful desire to reduce God’s world to a system that can fit into the confines of the human mind. And of course every prideful speculator claims it is his mind and his mind alone that contains God.

All the modern talk about separation of church and state is nonsense. People form governments based on their vision of God. When God became the end product of the propositional speculations of the European philosophers and theologians, the governments of Europe became speculative, propositional governments. France led the way and the rest of the nations followed suit. If reason is supreme, as the great scholastic told us, then why shouldn’t we make the great whore Reason our god? France will be France again, England will be England again, and the United Liberal States of America will cease to fight wars in the name of democracy when the European people cease to see God as the end product of a syllogism and once again see Him as the God of their ascending race. A man’s attachment to his race is the key because without pietas, the love of one’s own, there can be no true faith. The love of God and the love our people are woven together. If we make God a universalist abstraction then our people will become universalist abstractions. They will not be the people of our racial hearth fire; they will be the pure and noble people of color whom the liberals, by virtue of their superior reason, have found to be the true gods of the earth.

I grew up, as we all did, hearing about the bad old days when people believed in Hero-Kings, Hero Clan Chieftans, and so on. The cultures that were hero-based were supposed to be bad because they were not universalist. And not being universalist meant that such cultures were not as humane as our modern cultures. But can the modern propaganda stand up to reality? When we look at the old hero cultures of Europe we often feel as Tennyson’s Merlin felt:

Then fell on Merlin a great melancholy;
He walk’d with dreams and darkness, and he found
A doom that ever poised itself to fall,
An ever-moaning battle in the mist,
World-war of dying flesh against the life,
Death in all life and lying in all love,
The meanest having power upon the highest,
And the high purpose broken by the worm.

But such melancholy feelings are natural to all deep and earnest souls who have hearts that live and care about their own people. Is it better to take anti-depressants and spout universalist platitudes about humanity while ignoring the ever-moaning battle in the mist that constitutes the life of those people who are nearest and dearest to us? The old Europe of heroes, kings, and clans had the one saving grace that modern Europe lacks. The people of old Europe were not universalist automatons. Their wars, which were mere skirmishes compared to the modern democratic wars, were fought, for good or evil, with passion. And when they sinned they knew that they sinned, they did not invent a syllogism that changed sin into virtue. The old Europeans made the same choice that Odysseus made when the goddess Calypso offered him death-in-life immortality: he refuses it in order to live out his brief span of years as a man. They were genuine human beings, those men and women of old Europe, and as such they were superior in every way to the universalist, cardboard people of modern Europe.

Burke was ousted from his party because he refused to go along with the English Jacobins’ plan to democratize England. The Monarch must have equal or greater power than the aristocratic and democratic tiers of government, Burke insisted, because it is the Monarch who brings that personal, heroic element into the government. There were many bad kings, but even the worst of them tried to protect their people from alien invaders. And when the King himself became an alien presence? Then a William Tell or a Robin Hood rose up from the heart of the people and became the Hero-Kings in exile. It wasn’t a perfect system – in fact, it wasn’t a system at all. That was the beauty of old Europe. Hearts attuned to their people, and to the God of their people, responded to the call of the blood. It was unscientific and messy, the call of the blood, but it was the way of the Europeans when Europe was still Europe, and it was a better way than the way of science and universalism.

In the 20th century the folk heroes of the European people were studied rather than emulated. This will not do. We need heroes, not men in lab coats. A man must believe that he has a place by the hearth fire of a particular race of people if he is going to become a hero of his race. The great heroes never thought of themselves as particularly brave or heroic. They didn’t think of themselves at all. They loved much, so they fought for their people. When the Europeans stop studying their own people as if they were lab specimens and become one in spirit and in blood with Alfred, Tell, and Robin Hood, the colored plague will disappear from the European nations. But solidarity with our honored dead cannot be feigned for utilitarian purposes. We must truly believe as they believed and love our people as they loved their people, who are our people as well.

The whole pantheon of conservative thinkers in the 20th century went wrong because they sought to fight the liberals’ universalism with a universalism of their own. Communism vs. capitalism, industrialism vs. socialism, etc. No! One man with a sacred vow to fight for his people because he has the same charitable instincts that inspired our Savior to shed His blood for His people, is the spiritual lever that will set the European counter-revolution in motion. (1) Odin left his mark on his followers and so did our Lord. We are of Him, in and through our people. Negroes prowl about the European world looking for white victims to torture and murder, while our non-heroic, universalist governments look for newer and better ways to destroy white people and elevate the colored people. The hero who loves much is the European’s answer to Satanic liberalism.

In 2007 I saw and wrote my vision of Europe regained. I believe in that vision more than ever in 2014. All that we know of God we know in and through our people. Within the ever-moaning battle in the mists is His divine love. And men with that charity of honor will respond to His divine love. All that is necessary is that we follow, in spirit and in truth, the heroes of our race who believed that charity prevaileth over the mind-forged speculations of the lukewarm purveyors of an abstract, bloodless faith in a syllogism.

And it seems there is always some Christian clergyman who can be seen, torch in hand, running around setting fire to every European virtue. Look! There goes ‘chivalry’ up in flames. And over there I see ‘love of kin’ going up in flames. And now I see Father Spirit-of-the-Times setting fire to ‘charity’ while the whore called Ms. Modern Times looks on and applauds.

And then from the shadows steps an old man, with the eyes of a prophet.

“Think about what you do this day. As Judas betrayed Christ, so do you betray Him when you burn all the fruits of His glorious life and death.”

But the crazed clergyman does not heed the old man, and in fact it appears he sees but does not hear him. The applause of the whore is all he hears. So the fire rages and eventually envelops the clergyman and the whore. Before the flames completely engulf them we can see them embracing each other, still enjoying the sight of the old European virtues in flames, but not realizing that they embrace for the last time.

In the morning the old man with the prophetic eyes walks through the rubble and ashes. He weeps. In the distance he sees, through his tears, a tall figure walking toward him. The figure is hooded and wearing the garb of some ancient religious order. He walks right up to the old man.

“Why do you weep?”

“Because I once ruled this very kingdom, or at least one like it. We were one race, one faith, and our swords and our hearts served Him. But we were defeated from within. My own queen and my most trusted knight betrayed me. That was long ago. But I returned, hoping to stop the destruction of this kingdom and these people. But it was too late and they did not heed me. And so I weep, for I have seen it all turn to ashes a second time.”

“But you mustn’t weep, my king.”

“You know me?”

“Yes, I know you. You are Arthur Pendragon. And I have come to tell you that you shall be a king once more. Across the sea, in your own Tintagel, there is a small band of Europeans. They are eating roots and berries and have no knowledge of the true faith. But they are Europeans and they need you. They have that special fire in their hearts. They long to serve a true king, a king who can tell them about the King of Kings, a king who will show them why a sword is shaped like a cross. You must go to those people and be a king once more.”

And then a strange thing happened. The old man was an old man no more. He was young again. He was Arthur in his prime.

The monkish stranger walks with Arthur to the shore where a ship waits for him. The ship is manned by an angelic crew. Arthur turns to the stranger.

“I think I know your voice, but I dare not believe what I hope. Are you not my own true knight, the bravest of the brave and the purest of the pure? Are you not Sir Galahad?”

The stranger steps out of his monkish attire revealing a knight in light armour.

“Yes, my king, I am Sir Galahad. And together we will build a nation of one race, one faith, one king, and one Lord.”

And so they sailed for Tintagel, to build a new Europe, which was a very old Europe, and to worship a new God, who was a very old God. +

(1) The older, provincial, racist Europe is held, by the liberals, to be inferior to the modern, universalist, negro-worshipping Europe. Why? Because, we are told, the Europeans fought bloody and mostly senseless wars. But the wars of the universalists were and are infinitely more bloody than the wars of the antique Europeans, and they are always senseless, because they are always fought for inhuman, universalist principles.

Our existence here on earth will always be an “ever-moaning battle in the mists.” What matters is who or what emerges from those mists of battle. Our people, the antique Europeans, saw the Man of Sorrows in the mists of battle, the God of love and mercy who redeemed the world. What do the liberals see? They see only darkness, the darkness of Africa, which is the sign and symbol of Satan. The battle for our race is the battle to keep the vision of our ancient people alive – the sign of the Cross, the spirit above the dust.

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