When the Christ-Child to this world came down,
He left for us His throne and crown,
He lay in a manger, all pure and fair,
Of straw and hay His bed so bare.
But high in heaven the star shone bright,
And the oxen watched by the Babe that night.
Hallelujah! Child Jesus!
Oh, come, ye sinful and ye who mourn,
Forgetting all your sin and sadness,
In the city of David a Child is born,
Who doth bring us heav’nly gladness.
Then let us to the manger go,
To see the Christ who hath loved us so.
Hallelujah! Child Jesus!
-Hans Christian Andersen
When I look at modern Europe I feel a sadness beyond sadness and an anger beyond anger. The sadness that goes beyond sadness stems from the knowledge of what has been lost, and the anger that surpasses anger is centered on the liberals who have destroyed Christian Europe. Acting with malice aforethought, the liberals have cut the European people off from their Christian past.
The modern churchman feels no sadness at that which is lost nor does he feel any anger toward the liberals. You can’t mourn for what is lost if you don’t believe that what was lost was of any value. Nor can you be angry with the people who destroyed your cultural heritage if you don’t believe that heritage was of any worth.
If there is no sadness for our loss, if we do not weep by the rivers of Babylon, then our anger will be misdirected. That is the great tragedy of Neopaganism. The neo-pagans are one with the liberals in their hatred of Christian Europe; they do not mourn its passing, but they are angry with the liberals for not proceeding into a future designed and organized by the neo-pagans. Despite their seeming differences, the liberals, the churchmen, and the neo-pagans are in agreement about the central issue, “which was and is the question of these wars.” They are united in their hatred of Christian Europe.
What I see when I look at Christian Europe, and what the liberals, the churchmen, and the neo-pagans see, is something entirely different. They are in the majority, and I am in the minority. Shall I then cede the field to them? No, I shall not, because I maintain that what I see through the eye, in contrast to what they see with the eye, is true and what they see is false. Let us bring a beautiful actress from Hollywood’s golden age onto the stage. Life would be a lot simpler if the soul of a beautiful woman was in harmony with her outward beauty, but that is seldom the case. So I make no claims for Linda Darnell’s spiritual beauty. She may have been a wonderful woman, or possibly something less than wonderful. That is more than I know or want to know. What I do know is that she was a radiant beauty (see The Mark of Zorro). That of course is my subjective opinion, based on my perception of outward womanly beauty. But someone else — I don’t know who that could be — might find Linda Darnell singularly unattractive or even repulsive. By way of analogy, let us say that Christian Europe is Linda Darnell. The liberals find her repulsive and ugly, the churchmen find her too flawed according to their theory of what a beautiful woman should look like, and the neo-pagans claim she is too Jewish-looking to be considered beautiful. All three groups bid us look to the future in order to find a truly beautiful woman.
The mystical entity called the ‘future’ is the linchpin of the liberals’, the modern clergy men’s, and the neo-pagans’ mind-forged world dominated by their theories of perfection. The past, filled with imperfections, must be eradicated so that the future can triumph. But what kind of future is there if we leave Christian Europe behind? “We will have a wonderful future,” the champions of a science-dominated future inform us. The “You ain’t seen nothing yet” of Ronald Reagan was and is the mantra of all the warring factions of futurists.
Keats said that truth was beauty and beauty was truth. Yes, that is correct. But we are still left with the question, “What is truth,” because we still must determine what is beautiful. I claim that true beauty is moral beauty and that there is no greater beauty in heaven or earth than the moral beauty of Christ the Lord, as seen through the hearts that loved Him, the hearts of the antique Europeans. To look to a future based on the demonization of our Christian past, which constitutes a rejection of the beatific vision of Christ, is to look to a future devoid of faith, hope, and charity. But of course we no longer need to look to such a future, that future is here now; it is our present reality: Modern Europe is a world devoid of the faith, the hope, and the charity that once sustained the European people when they cherished, and did not renounce, their past.
In his magnificent speech before Confederate veterans on May 31, 1904, John Sharp Williams, a U. S. Representative, praised the Southern people for keeping our European civilization alive during the so-called “reconstruction” years after the war.
But there was something else, and even a greater cause than local self-government, for which we fought. Local self-government temporarily destroyed may be recovered and ultimately retained. The other thing for which we fought is so complex in its composition, so delicate in its breath, so incomparable in its symmetry, that, being once destroyed, it is forever destroyed. This other thing for which we fought was the supremacy of the white man’s civilization in the country which he proudly claimed his own.
Then he goes on to say,
Slavery is lost, and it is certainly well for us and the public – perhaps for the negro – that it has been lost. But the real cause for which our ancestors fought back of slavery, and deemed by them to be bound up in the maintenance of slavery – to wit, the supremacy of the white man’s civilization, the supremacy of the ethical culture, which has been gradually built up through countless generations – has not been lost.
William’s speech is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, it inspires us to know that our people, white Europeans, once stood tall and fought back against the liberal leviathan. But on the other hand is the horrible fact that the Southern people who came after John Sharp Williams, and the people of all the other European nations as well, caved in to the liberal leviathan. That civilization which Williams depicted as “so complex in its composition, so delicate in its breath, so incomparable in its symmetry,” has been destroyed. What then? How should we then live if that civilization is no more? We must go deeper — that is how we shall survive. If we go to the heart of that ancient European civilization, we go to Christ the Lord.
It is certain that old Europe, championed by the Southern people during the Civil War and the reconstruction era, is no longer in existence as a civilization. It is of the past, a past that has been condemned by all the various champions of a utopian future. But if we do not try to restore that civilization by adhering to the inconsequential outer forms of that civilization, such as the democratic process, Greek philosophy, and/or the Roman legal system in church and state, but go instead to the Dream of the Rood, which is the real heart of Western civilization, we will be able to regain that which was lost. (1)
I do not say that we shall ever see old Europe as it once existed again. I do say that so long as two or three are gathered together in His name, in union with the antique Europeans who built a civilization consecrated to Him, then the old South, the old Europe, still lives. Lost causes only become lost when the ‘defeated’ people no longer believe in what they fought for. The Southern people, like the European people throughout the world, only lost the war with the Jacobins when they came to believe in the same faith as the Jacobins. The resistance to Jacobinism must start from within. Do we believe that we are created in the image of God or do we believe we are created in the image of the beast? If we believe the latter, then we will not restore European civilization, because the image of the beast culture is the image of the future. What is past is the ‘image of God in Man’ culture that our dear old folk of long ago built in defiance of the pagan gods of nature. Have we ‘progressed’ beyond those people? Why is the demonism of infanticide, homosexuality, feminism, and negro worship considered a progression? We have supped full of liberalism, and that hideous, foul-tasting repast has left us too spiritually stupefied to live as Europeans should live, in loving remembrance of our honored dead who rest in the arms of the Lord, and in loving remembrance of Him, the God who lives.
There is a song in the magnificent movie called The Wonderful World of the Brothers’ Grimm in which the children sing of Christmas Land. Our Europe was Christmas Land. There was love, honor, beauty and faith in that town. I, for one, do not intend to leave it, not ever. Which is a good place to leave off for this year.
For December 14th, December 21st, and December 28th I will post another remembrance of Christopher Grey. The next regular post will be in the New Year, January 4th. The remembrances were and still are intended as depictions of a dystopian future dominated by the liberals and their heathen allies. Tragically that future has come upon us at such an accelerated rate that the dystopia is no longer in the future, it is here. But the last word will not be spoken by the liberals and their allies. In the beginning was His word, and in the end His word shall prevail. I will dwell in Christmas Land again this year and every year, and it is my hope and prayer for thee, that you are able to dwell in Christmas Land this Christmas and in all the Christmases to come, on this earth and in His house of many mansions in heaven.
“Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat,” — although I must admit I’ve never tasted goose –, “who’ll put a penny in an old beggar’s hat?” I will. God bless the old beggar and God bless the European remnant. Merry Christmas! +
(1) Now I bid thee, my loved man, to declare this vision unto men; reveal in words that it is the glorious tree on which Almighty God suffered for the many sins of mankind and the old deeds of Adam.
There He tasted death; yet God
rose up again with His mighty power to help men. Then He ascended to heaven;
hither again will the Lord Himself make His way to this world to seek mankind
on the day of judgment, Almighty God and
His angels with Him, when He who has power of judgement will judge each
one according as he merits in this fleeting life. No one can be without fear
there at the word the Lord says: He will ask before the multitude where the man
is who for God’s sake would taste bitter death, as He aforetime did on the
cross; but then they will be afraid, and think little of what they begin to say
to Christ. No one need be terrified there who erstwhile bears in his breast the
best of signs, but each soul which desires to dwell with the Lord must through
the cross seek the kingdom which is far from earth.
–The Dream of the Rood